4~ Klaus

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*This is a part 2 to my first imagine. Requested by AnastasiaMikaelson Enjoy!!*

The next morning came and I didn't want to meet Klaus for coffee. Honestly... I hated coffee. But I only went to spend time with Klaus.

I decided to stay in that morning. I went back to sleep and you'd think I wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully. But I slept like a baby. It was about 10:28 when I woke up. So I put some music on and jumped in the shower. I shaved my legs, I washed my hair, I did everything.

Once I was done, I blow dried my hair, curled it. Did my make up. (Which is really just mascara) Put on a nice sun dress. I have to do something with my summer. So I went out in search of a job. It was one of the hardest things I had ever had to do. Until I got to the Mystic Grill. Maybe they would have a job slot or two open.

I walked in confident and went straight to the bar.
"Hey (Y/N) what can I get you today?" Matt was always so nice to me. We weren't exactly close close but we still talked a lot.
"I was actually wondering if you knew if there is any jobs openings here."
"Oh yeah of course. I don't know why but my boss always keeps at least one or two open spots. Hold on I'll get you a job applaction."

I went and sat in a booth as Matt walked over with a paper on a clipboard and a pen. I muttered a 'Thanks' as he walked away. Name. (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Date of Birth. (Your birthday). I wasn't even halfway done filling out the application when there was a slam on the table. "What the hell happened to you this morning?"
Only one person would get mad at me for ditching them in the morning.

I continued writing as I spoke. "I slept in, sorry. I had forgotten." I really should've prepared for this shit storm better.
"That is no excuse. We meet up every Saturday for coffee and breakfast." He whisper - yelled trying to keep his voice down.

"I don't like coffee."
I stood up and walked to the bar handing Matt back the application and pen.
"Thanks Matty I'll see you later!"

I walked out of the Mystic Grill and Klaus trailed not far behind.
"Then why do you even come? Why not tell me you didn't like coffee? We could've been having hot chocolate or tea or something."
This most likely wasn't the wisest move... but I ignored him. And kept walking.

He grabbed me by my arm and pushed me against the wall.
"Don't you dare ignore me."
I looked him straight in the eye. Numbness spread all over my face.

"They're planning on killing you. And I'm the only one who seems to care about YOUR well-being. I stood up for YOU. In front of everyone who wants YOU dead. They have probably all disowned me by now. Out of all the yelling and fighting I still managed to say one thing. Do you want to know? I said 'He's worth it'. And I walked out the door and drove to the one place I knew that those words would actually mean something. And the person that those words are directed to, is snogging off with another girl who could probably give two-shits about anything other than sex. So when you finally get your head out of the clouds and put your ass back on the ground, than you have the right to pull my arm. Than you have the right to push me up against a wall. Than and only than do you have that right."

I rip my arm out of his grasp and start to walk away. Leaving him dumb-folded at the scene that just happened. Silently praying that he would say something or call after me as I walked away. And before the first tear could fall I heard....

"I love you to..."

I froze. Right than and there. I could've sworn that my heart had stopped. I love you to. The words that I had longed to hear from his mouth. Finally came out of his freaking mouth.

He said it again,"I love you to (Y/N)."
Never in a million years did I ever think that anyone would ever say that to me. So most of my energy was focused on trying to keep calm. But I was turned around and he kissed me. Like lip to lip. He kissed me. Screw being calm. I wrapped my arms around his neck trying to pull him closer-if that was even possible.

"I love you to (Y/N). But next time why don't you just tell me?"

The blush was hitting my face hard as I smiled and pulled him in for another kiss. But not before whispering 'I love you' for him and only him to hear.

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