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Damon finds out that you like him and teases you about it... until something goes wrong.
Damon Salvatore. The one and only. Bad boy supreme. Raven black hair. Funny, charming, silly, kind and caring (when he wants to be), and also... my crush. Trust me I know it's silly. He being infactuated with Elena and all. So I've probably got you thinking, why would I like him if I know I don't have/stand a chance? If I'm being fully honest with you, I've got no clue.

I was hosting the latest 'take down the bad guy' meeting at my house. I volunteered. It was stupid. But can't back out now. Everyone was coming. Damon included. He and Bonnie had just gotten back from the 1994 prison world and were back and ready to take out Kai.

I'm one of your local humans so I always have to be on the look out when my 'protecters' aren't around. They feel all high and mighty whenever that title is thrown around but anyways, I walk into my house and I hear someone. My first thought was 'where's my bat?' Not that it would do me much good in a town full of supernaturals but it was a start.

I slowly walk up the stairs, bat in hand, and I see the one and only... Damon Salvatore in my spinning chair. WITH MY JOURNAL! I froze at the sight and I don't know what I was expecting. But I was not expecting this.

"(Y/N)... I'm so glad you could join me. I was just doing some light reading while you were away. Ya know for a journal everything is awfully precise. All the smut and day dream doodles and everything."
He has just admitted to reading everything. EVERYTHING. Everything is in that journal. From my depression days to my obsession with One Direction to the day I moved to Mystic Falls and met Damon. He handed me back my journal as he walked out the door. Peeking his head back in he said,"Tonight shall be fun. See Ya in a few hours."

Life As I Knew It Was Over.

Time passed and everyone began piling in to talk about the latest plan to capture and/or kill Kai. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on inside Damon's head. But I honestly could not have been more scared. I didn't listen to a thing anyone else was talking about. Since I was human, the only time they ever needed me or Matt was for bait. And thankfully this wasn't one of those times.

Damon kept making faces at me and winking and than he would turn around and get all lovey dovey over Elena. A plan was finally devised and everyone left. Or I kicked everyone out. For some reason I had had a bad feeling in my stomach. And as I took a shower I knew that somehow it wasn't about Damon.

The night was long and I was afraid to close my eyes. But at around 2 in the morning my body just automatically shut itself off. Despite everything I did to stay awake. The warmth of my bed and home had vanished soon after. My eyes were still heavy but I gave it a shot and tried to open them anyway. It was still pretty dark. I thought I must've been dreaming so I went 'back' to sleep.

I don't know how long I had been out. Or where I was. Because I was freezing. And in my bed it was never freezing. I was rudely awoken by a painful and freezing and strong stream of water.
"Hello beautiful. It's nice to see that you are finally awake. It has been a few days. And I always like to do my worst when my victim is awake."

I was given no time to comprehend what was happening or why this was happening to me. And in no time I felt a pain in my leg that I never wished that I would feel. He was stabbing me.

I screamed at some points during the torture. And other times I tried to keep quiet. I knew that this was Kai just by the way he talked. I guess he thought that it would be fun if my torture scene was broadcasted live. To the entire town. It was on the TVs, on phones, on radios, everywhere. You know you are in deep shit when the bad guy goes full on hacker on you.

I wouldn't talk. I swore that I wouldn't talk. I promise myself that if he kills me, I will have died protecting the town. In the best way that I could.

Damon's POV

Ever since Bonnie and I had gotten back from the Prison World, things have been different in Mystic Falls. Elena had grown farther from me. My relationship with Bonnie grew and everyone thought it was weird. But Ya know. It's just one more ally. One more person that I can truly count on.

Kai has done a bang up job at going unnoticed. Note the sarcasm. (Y/N) offered to hold the meeting at her house. I had been there before so I was already allowed in. I must've gotten the time wrong because there was no one there. But the best part about me getting there early was me finding out that she likes me. Who would've thought. And I did have fun teasing her that night. But I think I took it a little too far at some points.

I was sitting at to the bar in the Grill talking with Matt when coming from the TV I heard, "Is this thing on? Oh yes it is. Great! Now (Y/N) say hi to the town of Mystic Falls for me."

I never thought that this much guilt could ever wash over a person. But the moment I saw (Y/N) up on that screen. I knew it was possible. I had smelt (Y/N)'s blood before. She donates blood often. My phone started to blow up with the guys asking questions and mainly Caroline freaking out.

I concentrated on the smell of (Y/N)'s blood and I found a scent. It was faint but it was still there. She is best friends with Caroline so it would only seem necessary to pick her up on the way to beating Kai's a*s. By the time we had gotten there Kai was gone and (Y/N) was lying on the ground unconscious. Caroline went to check the border and I grabbed (Y/N). As I carried her to my car I whispered in her ear (doubting that she could hear me),"Never again will this ever happen to you. I'll protect you no matter what. I love you too much to let you go."

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