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Requested by @ArlanHanson

Imagine you are the original hybrid. Hayley has feelings for you and ends up kissing you.

Being one of the most feared is kinda awesome. Now you must be thinking 'oh hey Klaus doesn't have a twin. How is she also an original hybrid?' Well you are correct. I am not Klaus' twin. Our mom. Ester. Did something similar. Well yeah I would say similar. Just with a different werewolf.

I honestly never did like being in New Orleans. We were here because of Klaus. Because he just couldn't keep it in his pants. He had to sleep with Hayley. He couldn't just do with Ester said and kill the baby. What? So, I'm not huge on kids. Sue me.

I was walking through the streets of this really crowded city. I knew I had people following me. I am pretty reckless. Like Kol. But anyways, there was an art gallery taking place and I saw some of Klaus' work. Why not roam a little and see what he refuses to show me?

They were all so beautiful. One was of the city. The light and music that it gave off. With the darkness close behind. Another of Hope. Our old home. I was in awe. Until I saw Hayley standing in the distance. You have got to be kidding me. Of all the times. Of all the places. She had to be here. Looking at my brothers art.

I walked up to her with a spring in my step. Slightly angry that I can never be truly by myself. The voices in my head kinda take over and if I'm not alone for a period of time. Well let's just say since I'm supernatural. The outcome isn't pretty.

"What are you doing here?" I spat angrily at her.

"Well until Rebekah returns with Hope I thought why not sight see a little. I never realized how beautiful a city New Orleans was."

"I hate it. It's a dreadful city. I don't understand what my siblings ever saw in this city when we were here last."

"Seriously,(Y/N)? How could you not love it? The music. The art. The people. The laughter."

"I'll give you that the people are divine."

"Could you be less of a vampire for one minute?"

"Why should I? It's in my blood."

"Come on get a drink with. A little birdy told me that you like the alcohol along with the people."

A lot of drinks later at a bar I couldn't remember the name to I was dancing my heart out. Oh how then voices would kill me in the morning. But eh what the heck. It was a Tuesday night. I was in the heat of the moment.

"Ya know Hayley. I don't like you. At all," I slur at her,"I have hated you from the moment I met you. From the moment you and Tyler banded together to unsire all of Klaus' hybrids. I have hated you. Wanted nothing more than to just snap your neck and be down with it."

"But we're family now. You have to love me. We are not gonna remember anything tomorrow. Let's not fight. Let's have fun! I want to see the drunken side of my future girlfriend!"

She pulled me to the dance floor and she rubbed her body against mine. Oh how hot and flustered I was getting. She leaned into my ear and whispered,"Once I get you all to myself I can officially say that I have all the Mikealsons wrapped around my little fingers."

Oh I hate her so much. I vamp sped her to into a private room and looked her dead in those beautiful brown eyes of hers.

"I don't like you. I never have. I never will. Wanna know why? Because I can't stop loving you."

"I have loved you from the moment I met you. But could never say anything or do anything about until now."

I grabbed her and slammed my lips on hers and let the moment take me away.

The Vampire Diaries/The Originals Imagines and PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now