2•His First Thoughts On You

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Stefan: okay first day of school. No girlfriend. Feeling good. Kinda. Just go well please. Oh crap who just ran into me?! Okay I get the picture you're sorry. Oh whoa. She's beautiful.

Damon: Haha I just met an amazing person. Ugh she was sooo oh what's the word. There are no words. I just have to keep everyone away from her. She's mine.

Jermey: Yes Matt switched sections with me so I can serve this cute new girl. Whoa she loves to eat. I think I've actually got a chance. Oh yeah!!

Matt: Caroline introduced me to (Y/N) said that she need someone to 'train' with. But she is amazing. I think she just wanted to hang out with me. I'm not complaining or anything. But damn she could kick my a** if she wanted too. I'll see if I can't catch her around again.

Tyler: I could smell her for miles. Just her scent and I didn't meet her until today. She sat next to me in class and I asked what she was and she just looked at me and smiled. Playing hard-to-get huh? Well, two can play at that game.

Alaric: Geez, I almost killed her. She hunts the supernatural too. She's so young. She's been doing it how long?! That's longer than Isobel had been researching about them. She's really cute too. Gotta protect now. She's like Elena. Will think about everyone but herself.

Enzo: Okay. Enzo. You look good. Accent in place. Eyebrows on fleek. Go knock 'um dead. Whoa. Never mind. She just knocked me dead.

Klaus: I saw her around town and just had to know her. I turned into a wolf and went to her house. Yes she let me in. Oh yes right there yes! Hey! What? Why'd you stop? Oooo food. Oh I'm in her lap. Oh yes don't stop! Right behind my ear. Yyyyaaaassss

Elijah: She looks a little lost. Oh she's new to town. Lovely. She's got a beautiful name. I offered to show her around sometime and she said yes. Keep your cool Elijah. It's only a girl. Who I can't stop thinking about that is.

Kol: This is my home. No one Hunts the residents expect for me. Whoa whoa I gotcha. I gotcha. Just drink my blood. It's all good. She's so beautiful. So pure and innocent. I hate to leave her. But I'm a monster. I have to leave her.

Marcel: I know everyone in New Orleans. No one has ever caught me by surprise. But she slipped right past me. I just barely met her. Oh my heart is gonna explode.

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