30~ Klaus

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Imagine Klaus is painting early in the morning and he wants it to be a surprise.
I had know idea how I had fallen in love with the man that people described as the most dangerous, feared hybrid for over 1,000 years. But I did, whether outsiders wanted to believe it or not Klaus wasn't as evil as he wanted people to believe.

Laying in this massive bed that was the most comfortable I had ever slept in, I was captivated by Klaus as he stood in the middle of the room painting. With each brush stroke he was gentle, and his concentration didn't break, not even once. The Mikealson family made me a honorary member pretty much as soon as they found out that I had tamed the hybrid. As Kol liked to joke more than once, that I was the only one who could finally get Klaus to lighten up, much to no-one's surprise Klaus did not find that amusing.

"Some would say that staring is rude" Klaus said with his signature smirk that only he could do, not taking his eyes away from his painting.
"And some would say lying is rude, cause you and I both know you love it when I stare".
He didn't say anything instead he dipped his brush in the black paint and smeared it onto the canvas. "What you painting?" I curiously asked trying to get a better look. Klaus stood up, placed his paint brush in the cup of water sitting on the table beside, and made his way over to me.

"You'll get to see once I'm finished love" standing at the foot of the bed, purposely blocking your view of the painting.
I got up and balanced on my knees, before placing both hands on his chest. "Why can't I see now?".

"Because it's not done now, you ask a lot of questions" he chuckled and gave me a light kiss.
"And you, oh great Klaus Mikealson are very good at being secretive".

I was wearing nothing but his top which was a tad too big for me, so it would often slip from my shoulder. Adjusting it, I saw that Klaus had his back turned and so I carefully got out of bed, and walked over to the painting. Of course he vamp sped in front of me with that stupid smirk that he always did.

"I promise I will show you once it's done, now go back to bed I'll bring breakfast up" he instructed.

I held up a finger to his lips and said, "On one condition". He raised his eyebrow and you continued, "Don't do that... That crooked smile thing, okay?"

Before I knew it he grabbed my waist and vamp sped back onto the bed,
"Like you said love I'm the great Klaus Mikealson....the crooked smile is apart of the charm".

Poking my tongue out at him, he gave me a rare, genuine smile that didn't appear often before getting up and heading on downstairs to fetch something to eat.

When I looked up the painting was gone and I knew Klaus was the one who took it. Shaking my head, the reality was I couldn't stop smiling. No matter what anyone said about him, it was nothing compared to these moments that were shared between the two of us in private.

He came back with a tray filled with pastries, orange juice and fruit. Placing it carefully on the bed I picked up a strawberry and took a bite, while Klaus sat on the edge of the bed. I could feel his eyes on me, "Some would say that staring is rude" I mocked him with his own words just minutes ago.

"You and I both know you love it when I stare" he replied back, grabbing his shirt I pulled him in for a kiss.

"Ew Elijah make them stop" both of us turned to find Kol and Elijah standing at the door.
I threw a pillow at Kol which he caught and threw it back.
"As much as we would all like a day off Niklaus, we have business to attend too" Elijah ever so seriously.

"Just another day at the Mikealson compound" I smiled, getting up and throwing on a pair of jeans.
Kol placed his arm over you shoulder, "You're now a Mikealson love this is what you signed up for".

"Hands off brother" Klaus informed him.
Kol took his arm off and put his hands up in defense, I laughed and followed them downstairs while Klaus and Kol bickered. Looking at poor Elijah I never knew how he handled them all.

Even though this family was hectic at times, like Kol said I am apart of it now. And frankly, I wouldn't have it any other way.

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