35~ Stefan & Caroline

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I have heard the stories of my dad dying to save Mystic Falls. My Aunt Elena and Uncle Damon became human for each other. My mom can be a real hard head. I don't think she understands that I need to experience some things for myself. Ever since my mom started up that stupid school. No longer the Salvatore boarding house. But the Salvatore boarding school. Eww. I thought going to a normal school was hard. But a supernatural school, forget it.

Stefan and Caroline Salvatore. The most unlikely of pairs happened to have me. Two vampires. Human baby. Their vamp stuff must have cancelled each other out and gave me all the human genes. Like ya know how in science when you try to figure out how you got blue eyes, the whole recessive and dominant thing with the big B and the little b. Think of as the big V and little v. I just so happened to have gotten two little vs. Sucks. Especially since Jo and Lizzie are so much older than me. And they are witches. So, they make fun of me. They arent even my real sisters. We are not tied together by blood at all. I hate them.

"(Y/N)? Where are you? You missed your classes this morning." My mom knocked on my door to tell me what I already knew.


Being a thirteen-year-old is so hard. I just wish that my mom understood me. For who I am. Not who she wants me to be. I cant be a witch or a vampire. Im only human. I go to the kitchen to see if there is any real food to eat. And there isnt. Great. Time to call CPS. Cant even care for your own kid. I dont even understand what I am doing here. I am nothing. I mean nothing to everyone. Im a nobody. And being a nobody in a supernatural world, is a good thing. But it can be more bad than good.

"(Y/N). Please. You know why you cant go out there. People can get you and use you against us."

I got up out of my bed and made my way to the door. I opened it and looked at my mother with such hatred and distaste.

"I am not like Jo or Lizzie. I dont belong here. I am not one of them. You pay attention to them. Cater to their every need. But who am I? I am the mess up mom. You listen to them and everything that they say. The only difference between them and me is that I am your daughter by blood. They arent even your real daughters. Yet you care more about them than you do me. You see how messed up that is right? I dont need you or dad or Ric to baby me. I dont need you or this school. I am 13. I just want to be normal. But I cant. So, I take care of myself just fine. Ive had to learn to fend for myself considering you dont care about me as much."

I slammed the door and went back to bed. I pulled out my notebook and continued to prepare for my escape. I cant raise too much suspicion. I'll go to combat training to at least make an appearance and then Ill make my grand exit. I cant take it here anymore. I have got to go.

Time Skip to Combat Class

I got all the gear that I thought I might need for todays class. It was going to be simple hand-to-hand combat. Nothing that I couldnt usually handle. But I am the only human in a school full of the supernatural. I got to the field and I saw Hope Mikealson practicing on the punching bag. Yup. Never going to fight her ever. Dont mess with the hybrids. Only a few more hours of this and then I can leave. I cant wait to get out of here. One of the girls, Tina, was walking up to me.

"I hope you are ready to get your butt kicked today. You still are only human. Just because you fooled your way up the chart doesnt mean youll beat me," she said with a glare but then smiled and continued, "But good luck out there! Try not to get your face broken in. Its pretty. For a thirteen-year-old." She walked off and I sighed. I seriously hate this place. Its going to be a major blessing as soon as I leave.

It was only been an hour into the practice when the was a huge rumble. It shook the entire plane I was on. An earthquake. I ran into the house to grab my stuff. Screw leaving tonight. Ill leave when everyone is in a panic. No one will even notice that Im gone. Best idea ever. I hid behind trees, so no one would see me. Once everyone was inside I ran as fast as I could. All I knew was that I had to go north. My gut instinct told me that there would be safety up north. So, north is where I ran.

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