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Imagine you Skype the brothers and Klaus makes a perverted comment in front of your husband, Elijah.

"Are you sure that you guys will be back in time for the party?" I say as I walk back to mine and Elijah's closet.

"Of course, my love. We wouldn't miss it for the world." Elijah replied.

This is my first party I had ever thrown. I thought that seeing as I am now a Mikealson by marriage, I figured it would only be  'normal'   that I learned or at least knew how to throw or prepare a party. Rebekah said that I was doing just fine by myself. She refused to help me at all.  So as you can see, I am completely nervous. Something will go wrong. I swear.

"Well you could at least wear something a little less skimpier. I mean I'm not saying that I don't like what I see. I mean I love it but, there will be some immature full grown males who would love to do unspeakable things to you." Klaus said with a smirk on his face as I walked back onto the screen to ask Elijah how I looked in the next dress I had tried on.

I looked at him with a shocked look on my face. And Elijah had a disgusted look on his face. A bit of anger was thrown in the mix. He grabbed Niklaus by his jugular vein and pinched hard, causing Klaus to to scream in pain and fall to the ground. And I couldn't help but look at the both of them and laugh. Elijah looked at the ground Klaus was on and then back at me with a smile on his face.

"(Y/N). My love, that dress looks absolutely divine on you. You should wear it." Elijah said. He looked down at Klaus and began to talk again, "And if any man so much as looks at you with the thoughts that Niklaus described, or touches you, I will not hesitate  to do severe damage or kill them."

I smiled at Elijah and he smiled back.

"Because no one touches, looks at, or thinks about you. Because you are mine. I did marry you after all," he said.

"We'll see you in a few alright my love?"

"I love you!"

He laughed and smiled,"I love you too."

The call ended. Oh, how lucky I am to be a part of such a great family. 

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