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Imagine your best friend Kol comes back from the dead.


I walk into the Mikealson Manor and it was usual to hear fighting going on. Someone was always arguing with someone else. This time it just happened to be Freya and.... Finn?

I ran a little bit until I reached them. And it was Finn.


He turned around and had a smile on his face. Finn and I had a really weird relationship but we were still friends. We hugged for a while until he pulled away.

"Oh you look so beautiful as always. I never thought I would see you again."

"I know! Oh how I missed you so much! Don't you dare die on me again!" I said as I punched him in the arm.

As he is rubbing his arm I turn back around.

"Wait. What about Kol?!"

"He is upstairs." Freya chimed in.

I jumped a little bit before I made my way upstairs. I ran as fast as I could. 

"He is Davina, Finn." Freya said.


I got up there and I saw Kol kissing someone. And by the looks of it it looked like Davina. Since when did this happen? I felt my heart being ripped out of my chest. Not literally. A gush of wind came and I was back downstairs with Finn and Freya. I looked at the floor and than at them.

"What happened?" I asked.

I than turned to walk out. I could hear Finn telling Freya how I fancied Kol. I hate Davina. I have always hated Davina. I just have. She hasn't ever done anything to me until now.

Kol was my best friend. And I loved him to pieces. I knew I couldn't run forever. I talked with Elijah and he explained to me how Kol and Finn were placed into the bodies of witches by their mother and than Kol died and Freya had Finn in her necklace and the whole rush of power and everything and it was a little confusing at first but I got the hang of it.

I had to be kinda locked into the Mikealson Manor due to all of Klaus' enemies coming to New Orleans. But every now and than I manage to sneak out. Go for ice cream. Take a walk. Just enjoy everything. But today when I went, I ran into Kol.

I quickly turned around but he saw me because he called out my name. And I could've sworn that I heard Davina scoff at me. I slowly turned around as Kol gave me the biggest bear hug ever. Oh how nice it was to be back in his warm, big arms. No (Y/N). You can't think like that. You're suppose to be mad. I let go of him and gave him a slight pat on the shoulder.

"Good to see you Kol but I must get going. Elijah would kill me if he found out I was out and about without supervision."

I smiled softly before turning around to walk away. Ugh how that hurt. I could just feel him staring at me as I walked away. I got back to the Manor and ran to my room as fast as I could. I needed to clear my head so I hopped in the shower. It felt sooooooooo relaxing.

Afterwards I decided to take a quick nap. Considering how much just walking around town wears me out. I was out for a few hours until I decided to steal one of Elijah's books that I hadn't read yet. And started to read. That was until I was interrupted by my door opening. It was Kol.

"Okay what's wrong? You never pat me in my shoulder unless you are be sarcastic."

He looked at me with hurt and a little bit of anger in his eyes. I glanced up from my book than looked back down.

"Really (Y/N)? I just got back from being dead. And this is the welcome back I get from my best friend?"

I ignored him.

"I mean come on. If anything had happened to you and you died and than came back I would catch you up on everything. And I would do everything with you. I would make sure that I was the first person you saw when you came back."

I looked at him. Bookmarked my place in my book. Stood up and walked over to him and proceeded to hit him with my book.

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I wasn't the first person you saw when you came back! We made a promise! And you broke it! I hate you! You are so blind! I never thought someone so old could be so stupidly blind!"

I kept hitting him with my fists as he threw my book across the room. He grabbed my wrist and looked at me. Tears coming down my face. He wrapped me in a hug that I kept trying to escape from but he was stronger than me. And kept me there until I didn't struggle anymore.

I cried for about ten minutes straight until I started to calm down. I knew that. I matter how softly I talk he could be able to hear me. So I said,"I hate her."

Still holding me he replied,"Hate who, darling?"


I heard his breathe get caught in his throat. He let out a shaky breathe. And placed his chin on top of my head.

"When did the two of you even happen? You were in a witches body and you never even talked to me as Kol. That hurt me a lot."

"I take it Elijah told you."

I hit him in the chest. "Everything."

"My darling I am so sorry but Davina she's my girlfriend. I....."

I wiggled out of his grasp. "Don't even say it."

I walked out of my room and downstairs. I walked to the kitchen to grab some food when Davina walked into the Manor. I grabbed a knife and just as I was about to throw it, Finn appeared in front of me.

"It's not worth it (Y/N)."

He grabbed the knife and set it down. He walked me out of the Manor to cool down. Kols' eyes stared at us as we walked out. Not that I cared to notice.

The Vampire Diaries/The Originals Imagines and PreferencesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang