Chapter 3

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Vincent held me tighter. as he kissed me more. I couldn't do this, I couldn't kiss him and feel nothing..

I push him away slightly, so there's a few inches between us. His blue eyes dig into mine deeply. I stay silent and look down. He lifts my chin up and whispers.

"I've loved you for so long.." He begins, I remove his hands away.

"I'm leaving tomorrow.." I struggle to say it aloud.

"I know I should of told you earlier.."

He leans closer, I watch him and refuse, turning my head away to the side. "I can't do this... And telling me right before the day I leave was very smart.." I say without thinking.

He has pain in his eyes, and I know I let him down. I don't really know how to comfort anyone, so I give him a tight hug.

"Im really sorry, Vince.." I whisper. He hugs me back and kisses my forehead.

"Its okay.." He speaks blankly, showing no emotion even tho inside I must of hurt him a lot.

I pull away and tell him a about what my mom had told me earlier. He watches me, sadly and when I finish he doesn't say a word.

I shift uncomfortably, biting my lip.
"You can stay with me?" His eyes meet mine, and so I look away.

"I can't.. My flight is tomorrow anyway" I mumble.

He tilts his head and runs a thumb over my cheek.

"I will visit you.." He says smoothly.
"Thanks.." I whisper and look up at him.

He looks away and slides his hands into his denim jeans pockets. I stare at my shoes as I kick the dry dirt.

I smile and give him another hug.

''I'm going to miss you so much.''


I stay wide awake that whole night, I stare at my colourless ceiling and imagine my new life with the Clarks.

Would they be nice people? I question. How would everything effect my life? I keep questioning alot of things over and over again. Probably exaggerating by repeating a few over and over.

Mom had told me they were quite a big family. A mom and dad, three oldest sibilings my age or a bit older and the youngest sibiling about six years of age.

I hoped that I would get along with them, and be liked easily but the main problem was..I sucked at communication.

As the sun shine lightend up my room, I sat up and glanced over at my suitcases. I still had to pack a few novels with me like, 'Locked' and 'Blair Rosé'.

After I did that, I took a quick warm shower before mom would call me.
And when she did, I was greeted with a bowl of cereal and some toast.

"Vincent called. He said he'll be here in five " Mom said smiling.

"Your lucky enough to have him around, Phobe. He cares about you a lot."

Vincent was probably the only guy she likes in the whole town and she things him and I would be a cute "thing" together. But I deny it.. I only see him as a friend, and I couldn't imagine us anything more.

Minutes pasted and Vincent arrived, he placed my suitcases at the back if the car and helped me fit a few bags in aswell.

Mom sat at the back, so I sat in the passengers seat. I got a few text messages from relatives all wishing me a safe trip.

We arrive at the airport, and after one hour of doing everything needed we wait for my flight to be called.

Its mostly silent between us three.
Suddenly my flight is called and mom jumps to her feet. "Darling.." She has already started crying.

"Mom.. It's okay.." I stand to my feet and she hugs me. Literally hugs me.
She hasn't hugged me for two years now. So I'm shocked...

I hug her back and pull on a smile.
Mom doesn't let for for a long time..

Next is Vincent, Im gonna miss him..
His smile, his geeky words and amazing personality.

I wrap my arms around him tightly. "Goodbye Vince.." I say, trying not to cry but I let it go and slowly tears run down my cheeks.

He wipes them away with his thumb and grins.
"Can't believe we still haven't did our fun advantages like jumping into mud pools" He smirks.

I laugh and give him a nod. "Oh maybe next time.." I mutter. "We could always talk.. We have Skype, FaceTime , emails, mobiles!" He says and gives me a hug.

"Take care of her.." I say.

"I promise.." He whispers.


Chapter 4 coming soon x Holidays are just around the corner so ill be updating alot then :) keep reading!! Thanksssss xx love youu all

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