found ♡

381 9 4

He set his guitar aside as the sun sank low behind the mountains. If not for his hand in hers and the scarce lamplight reflecting off his hair, she might have forgotten he was there.

It was almost as if they didn't need words anymore. His presence. Her silence. The harmony of crickets and owls and tiny animals scurrying. These said all that was necessary, really.

With hearts so similar, words were mostly more of a formality, only brought out when necessary.

She was almost startled when he spoke - so softly she barely heard.

"I'm glad you found me."

Her heart accelerated blissfully.

"I didn't know you were lost."

"Neither did I."

He released her hand to hold all of her.

He hummed a nearly silent melody, his sweet, beautiful voice wavering with tears.

...but nothing about the matching beat of their hearts wavered at all.

moments ♡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora