future ♡

46 3 0

"I want to marry you."

He had decided to slip in this tidbit of information between the breadsticks and the fettucine alfredo.

"You do?" Her forehead crinkled adorably as she absently nibbled at another breadstick. They had only just said 'I love you' to one another, but this honestly felt right.

"Yeah." His face lit up when she met his eyes. "I definitely want to marry you."

She smirked. "Well, do I get a say in the matter?"

He rolled his eyes. "You insult me. I'll ask you in the grandest way I can."

She sighed. "You know I don't do grandeur."

"Fine, I'll ask you in the least grand way that I possibly can. I'm going to ask you, though."

"You will? Will there be a ring?" He was always making grand plans, and she was starting to learn to have fun playing along.

"Of freakin' course there's gonna be a ring! A big one! It'll look so pretty on your finger you'll have to say 'yes'." He had spoken so loudly that others in the restaurant gave him a look, but he ignored it.

"Really? I'll agree to marry you because the ring will be so pretty? You're selling yourself short, Babe," she chuckled.

"Because I'm so shiny and pretty you'll immediately agree to marry me?" He gave her an evil smirk.

The waiter brought their pasta, so they had to try to stop actively flirting and giggling, and the mostly succeeded. Once he was gone, they continued.

"I'll marry you just because you've got the prettiest eyes I've ever seen," she told him. "I bet they're prettier than any ring you could possibly buy."

He rolled those marvelous eyes. "I'm glad you'd marry my eyes. They seem to like you." He took this opportunity to shamelessly study her face and then neck and then collarbones and shoulders before finding her eyes again. It didn't quite occur to her to blush - her eyes were awfully fond of him, too.

"I'd marry you." She said it so decisively that it staggered him.

"Wait, you would?" He busied himself with twirling noodles onto his fork.

"Of course I would. I would definitely marry you," she answered decisively, his surprised eyes meeting hers. "I'd marry you so hard and then we'd live together and then we'd have some babies that look like you and we'd still be gross and in love when we have liver spots."

He chuckled. "You're right. We would."

There was a long silence as they ate and gazed across the table at each other more and more.

"I do want to, you know," she said quietly, poking her last forkful of noodles into her mouth.

"What?" He did the same.

She pressed her leg against his under the table and met his eyes. "Marry you. Grow old with you."

He nodded.. "I'll keep that in mind."

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