fear ♡

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Finally. Finally, their little girl was at school, and their teething little boy monster was asleep, and they finally - FINALLY - could have a few minutes together on the couch.

They were tangled together, nearly asleep when his crying exploded through the monitor.

He untangled himself. "Stay here." He was careful to stay calm as he padded to the nursery. The baby seemed to scream harder as he got closer.

"What gives, Little Guy?" He scooped the baby out of his crib and checked his diaper. Clean. He had eaten right before he was laid down, so he wasn't hungry. The poor little thing was miserable because he was sleepy because he couldn't sleep because of his little gums hurting.

He cradled the baby against his shoulder and hummed, walking endless figure eights around the nursery.

The screaming never stopped. The harder he tried, the more upset the baby got.

"Please stop crying." He was reduced to begging.

He tried laying the baby down, but he found some way to get even louder.

Daddy was frustrated and overwhelmed as he sat down in the rocking chair and cried with the baby because he couldn't make the pain stop.

"Hi, Boys." Mommy stood at the door, brows drawn together, worried about her guys.

"He won't stop crying," sobbed her heartbroken husband. "I tried everything, but he's just so -"

She took the baby into her arms, and he quieted down almost instantly. Within a minute, he had drifted to sleep.

With the baby comfortable in his crib, she turned to find her husband still crying. "What did I do wrong, Babe?"

She slid into his lap there in the nursery rocker. "You didn't do anything wrong. Babies can just smell fear."

He chuckled, wrapping her in his arms. "I can't help it... Being a parent is so scary."

She focused on him and let the rest of the world melt away, holding his face in her hands and his eyes with her earnest, unwavering gaze. "I'm not afraid of anything with you beside me."

The kiss was long and slow, and it tasted like tears, but when she was finished, he couldn't be afraid of anything, either.

Author's Note: I love writing parenting scenes so much! Sorry for posting a pair of tear jerkers in a row, but I hope you liked them! Vote and comment and stuff if you want! Love you!

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