ours ♡

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She had always imagined what it would be like to be married. She had pictured tying her husband's tie before work. She had dreamed of dressing them in matching outfits for church. She imagined washing the dishes while he dried them and put them away.

And they had all of that...

But he somehow constantly surpassed any dream she could've ever dreamed.

She was sitting on the couch with their son, who had insisted on watching "that doggy movie" for the third time... that day. He had finally fallen asleep for his afternoon nap when her husband got home from work.

He dropped his coat and bag and keys and jacket at the door and slipped over to the couch.

"Hi." He pressed a quick kiss on her lips.

She smiled warmly, meeting his eyes. "Hi."

He scooped their little sprout into his arms. "Be right back," he whispered. He tucked their son in and nearly skipped back to the living room, thankful to have his girl to himself while their son dozed and their daughter had her weekly date with Granny.

He found her curled into a ball, still watching Lady and the Tramp with rapt attention, absentmindedly chewing on her thumbnail. She smiled when she caught sight of him smiling at her from the far corner of the room and patted the spot on the couch next to her.

He was more than happy to oblige, nearly sprinting across the room to messily crash on the couch beside her. She grinned at him and wondered how it was possible for a human to feel this much joy at once.

He opened his arms for her, and, somehow, even more joy flooded her heart and limbs. She was about to leap into his lap...

"Babe, you're still in your work stuff."

He shook his head and looked down at his clothes. He was, indeed, still in his tie and button-down and black dress pants. "So?"

"It's too many clothes." He raised an eyebrow. "And they're not even soft! Go get cuddly. I'll start the movie over."

He rolled his eyes, but stood with a smirk, loosening his tie. He took his time walking to their bedroom, unbuttoning his shirt, shamelessly teasing his wife, who was shamelessly watching. He shrugged his shirt off slowly, letting his broad, alabaster shoulders flex as he shelled it off. He shot her a teasing smirk before disappearing.

She got the movie back to the main menu and stood to stretch before he came back. He emerged a minute later in flannel pajama pants and a worn-thin T-shirt, his long hair forming a dark waterfall of curls over his shoulders and down his chest.

A moment passed where she looked at her handsome man and felt overwhelmed with thankfulness and disbelief that he'd work hard all day and then come home and watch Disney movies with her.

He stepped behind her abruptly and lifted her suddenly, drawing them both to the couch and arranging her against him, warm and tender and strong and solid. She was tingly and blissful and profoundly content.

She pressed the "play" button, and he held her more tightly. He laid a slow trail of kisses down her hair, warmly brushing his lips over her cheeks before coming to rest at her neck.

He watched her as she watched the movie with childlike enthusiasm. She laughed at every joke and belted out every song and showed him every possible Hidden Mickey.

He loved seeing this side of her - so excited and recklessly joyful. It had become a bit of a rarity; she was often exhausted from raising two kids and taking classes and keeping the household running and taking care of him.

Suddenly, she paused the movie and sprang out of his arms. "Where are you going?"

"I have an idea!" He heard a package open and something being dumped in a bowl and water running for a sec and then they microwave starting.

Five minutes later, she was back in his arms, with a steaming bowl of ramen noodles. She pressed play and stirred the long noodles around the bowl so they'd cool before the scene started.

When he saw the dogs romantically eating spaghetti in the moonlight, he understood.

She slurped the end of a noodle into her mouth, and he did the same.

They were two different noodles.

The process repeated itself over and over until there was only one noodle left.

"We'll have to kiss this time," she laughed.

He smirked evilly and ate the whole last noodle. She punched him on the shoulder. "I hate you."

"You're in love with me." He was teasing, but he wasn't wrong. She smiled and touched his face, setting the bowl aside.

"And you don't need noodles as an excuse to kiss me. I always want to kiss you."

She crawled forward into his lap, and he took her face firmly in his long hands. He kissed her strong and solid and sturdy and sound. He kissed her urgently and hungrily, and yet the tenderness in his touch made her woozy.

"I was just trying to be silly and romantic." It was both a pant and a chuckle that escaped her lips as soon as she was capable of putting words together.

"I know." He smiled that smile where his teeth didn't show but it lit up everything. "And I will gladly spaghetti kiss you every single day for the rest of forever."

She kissed him.

"I'll waltz you forever to a song as old as rhyme."


"I'll climb the tower."


"I'd search the whole kingdom to find you."


"I'll melt for you."

She pulled him by the collar close against her and kissed him hard and heavy and full of tears.

With her fingers in his hair and emotions in her voice, "And then I'll nag you to put on some sweats, and we'll cuddle and make out on the couch while the kids are sleeping... because our fairy tale is my favorite one."

Author's Note: This is the longest one I've ever written! I hope you liked it. I truly, truly enjoyed creating it. Vote and comment and so on and so forth if you'd like. Love you! ♡♡

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