perfect ♡

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Nothing was perfect.

She had always been in the top of her class, and she had always been the one with all of the best advice, but this... This lesson was learned far later than the others, and it had changed everything.

Nothing is perfect.

No perfect dress. No perfect song. No perfect moment. No perfect people. No perfect relationship. No perfect life.

No matter how lovely, the dress would always cling in the wrong places. The notes at the end of the bridge would always be a bit discordant. The background noises would be all wrong. She would always have too many freckles. His mom wouldn't trust her.

It would never be perfect. None of it would.

And it was so liberating - knowing that she no longer had to worry with things bring perfect. It made it possible for imperfect her to love the imperfect people she loved so imperfectly.

But, like everything else, he made her question her idea of the attainability of perfection...

For here she was, curled into his side for warmth because he was hogging the blanket and watching infomercials because he was snoring with the remote in his other hand, just out of her reach...

And it was all so perfect.

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