a prayer ♡

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He was probably too old to be rocked to sleep, but he humored her.

She wore her husband's baggy pajamas and held her 3-year-old baby boy in her arms, rocking gently and singing him a song her man used to serenade her with.

"Thank God you see me the way you do, strange as you are to me..."

His little arms wrapped around her neck, and tears welled up in her eyes.She bushed his soft, light brown hair out of his eyes, which were also her eyes. "No hands are half as gentle or firm as they like to be..."

She felt herself getting sleepy, and his eyes fluttered closed. He nuzzled into her shoulder in his sleep. A tearful smile covered her face as she studied her little boy and how he held all the best of her.

It surprised her that love like this was even possible. Her husband was the other half of her heart, but her little ones were the whole thing. It felt so natural to hold her son this way. His little arms wrapped around her neck and his little body on her lap made her feel so whole.

Suddenly, there was the urge to pray. She nearly whispered the words, tears falling down her face.

Thank You for my sweet boy.
Please bless his mind to know that You created him well.
Bless his eyes to see the best in others.
Bless his ears to listen before he speaks.
Bless his mouth to speak words of kindness and blessing.
Bless his shoulders to help bear someone else's load.
Bless his arms to always be reaching for others.
Bless his hands to always do what is right.
Bless his heart to love deeply and be loved in return.
Bless his knees to be made strong because he's been on them seeking You.
Bless his legs to walk the right path...
And bless his little feet to always stand for what is right.
Thank You for every blessing You've given me - my man and my babies and this beautiful life that I sometimes don't appreciate like I should.
Please, help me to be the woman You've created me to be.
I love You.
In the name of Jesus of Nazareth...

Just then, his little hand patted her face. He was awake.

"More sing, Mama?"

She kissed the top of his head. "Of course."

"So may the sunrise bring hope where it once was forgotten...

Sons are like birds flying over the mountain."

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