pretty ♡

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"Daddy!" Their daughter had become quite the daddy's girl since her baby brother had been born. Mommy and the baby laid on the couch as she barreled into her daddy's lap. "Daddy." She shook her wild curls - also his wild curls - out of her face. "Can I make you pretty?"

"Don't you already think Daddy is pretty?" Her mommy piped up.

She stroked her daddy's beard thoughtfully. "Auntie says we're all created just right, but we use makeup to make us feel prettier. When we feel pretty, we look the prettiest."

He tucked his daughter's hair behind her tiny ears. Four years ago, the answer would've been a resounding "NO," but something about her gorgeous eyes had a peculiar effect on him. "I could always stand to look prettier." His wife laughed out loud, and their little girl hurried to her dresser for the inexpensive makeup she had gotten or her three-and-three-quarters birthday from his sister. They'd been against it, but, ever the big sis, she reminded them that this would be a good time to teach her about makeup and true beauty. Foundation isn't just for skin, after all.

Mommy had rearranged herself and Baby Brother so that they could watch this makeover. She returned excitedly with her surprisingly big makeup purse. He lifted her into his lap and kissed her hair before waiting patiently for her to slather something on his face. She pushed the strands of hair that had fallen out of his bun away from his face before kissing the tip of his nose. "Close your eyes and be still, Daddy."

"OK." He couldn't help but smile as she opened one thing for his cheeks and a bunch of different things for his eyes and then put something on his lips. She pulled out tiny, sparkly hair clips next, using a few to clip back his stray hair before adorning his beard with the rest of them.

His wife chuckled once in awhile, but it was mostly silent. He waited patiently, his little girl was focused on making him pretty, the baby had fallen asleep, and Mommy was speechless. She was so in love with all of them that seeing this interaction left her dumbstruck and awed. The bond between her two loves was absolutely beautiful.

With all of the makeup back in her purse, the little girl kissed her daddy on the nose again. "I'm done making you pretty, Daddy. You can open your eyes now." He opened his eyes and gave her a squeeze, careful to not disturb his hair or his makeup.

"Thank you for making me pretty, my little lovely lady." She kissed him on the cheek. He faced his wife. "What do you think, Babe? Do I look pretty?"

She couldn't help but smile. "You look devastatingly beautiful." She turned her attention to her daughter. "And you created a masterpiece, my sweet potato princess." Her heart melted as her daughter smiled a smile that could light an entire city.

Their little girl was off his lap and gripping at his hand for him to follow her before he could fully form a thought. "Come on, Daddy! I want to show you your pretty face!" He rose and followed her, curious to see her handiwork. She giggled with pure glee, leading him into the bathroom.

He lifted her onto the counter before turning his attention to his face.

"Wow!" he exclaimed genuinely. She had actually done a surprisingly good job. He wouldn't leave the house this way, but she really had made his features mostly look better. She had smeared purple near his eyes, sloppily blending it to a shimmery white beneath his brows. A slight peachy pink tinge danced along his cheekbones. His lips sparkled with a light pink lip balm. She had used only silver clips on his beard, and they actually looked really nice. The clumsiness of her childish hands and haste showed up, but he did feel oddly pretty.

"Do you like it, Daddy?" The little excited squeak in her voice was so cute that he had to scoop her into his arms and dance her all the way back to the living room.

There was so much joy in the room that Mama didn't know whether to giggle or cry as her son snuggled into her shoulder and her husband waltzed their little girl through the living room. "You really do look pretty," came her voice with only a few tears.

He folded himself back into his favorite chair, his daughter still in his arms. "Thank you." He said it to both girls. "I really do feel pretty."

"Will you make me pretty, Daddy?" Her little face was so sincere that he couldn't refuse.

"Sure." He tucked her hair behind her ears. "But you have to close your eyes and hold still." She gladly did as she was asked.

He wiped off the lip gloss and slowly covered her face in kisses. "Finished."

She opened her pretty eyes, confused.

"All your sweet face needs is kisses because you're the most beautiful little girl in the whole wide world."

He couldn't help but chuckle as she gave him the biggest hug her tiny arms would allow. "I love you, Daddy."

"I love you, Sweetheart." He gave her a big bear hug in return. "Ready for your story?"

She pulled away. "Mhmm," she was grinning. "But can you maybe wash your face first?"

He was taken aback. "You don't like it?"

"I did it, so of course I like it." Her tone made her seem older than she was. "But you're the most beautiful daddy in the whole world."

He was actively trying not to turn mushy. "I'd have to agree," his wife piped up, standing to take the baby to his bed.

Soon, all was quiet in their house, and he laid in the arms of the loveliest woman he'd ever seen wondering how his life had become so very beautiful.

Author's Note:
HIIIIIIIIII! I'm still alive and still writing. A lot is happening outside of my little fictional love story here, so I don't get to hang out as much :( BUT I hope you liked this, and there will be more things for you to read #soon! Love you! ♡

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