suspenders ♡

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"Don't you dare forget the extra binky this time!" As with every Sunday, their house was a flurry of activity. He was packing their little boy's diaper bag while she braided their squirming little girl's hair and tried to sound menacing.

"I won't dare forget the extra binky," he assured soothingly - even if he would've forgotten the extra binky if she hadn't reminded him. He left the bag by the fridge so that they wouldn't forget the fresh bottles on the way out the door.

He moved as calmly as possible to the living room, sitting down beside her. "May I?" He reached for the brush as she undid the braid for the ninth time.

"Don't mess up my little girl's scalp." She faked severe, but there was a smile just beneath the surface.

He grinned at her with that look that made her feel all giddy and 14 before turning on an episode of Veggie Tales and starting the braid one last time. "I've got it." His voice was tender as he met her baffled, adoring gaze. "Take your time getting ready. I've got them."

Her heart was so warm that it nearly melted. She leaned into his space for a kiss, but he kept her waiting, biting his lip as he tried to hurry and finish the braid. She stole a quick peck before scurrying away to slip into the dress that matched her little girl's dress and her baby boy's bow tie.

She was putting on her earrings when he came to their bedroom to get dressed.

He gave her that look where the corners of his eyes crinkled even though he wasn't smiling all the way. Seven years and two kids later, he could still somehow stop her in her tracks.

He stepped close to kiss her quickly and wrap himself around her. "God bless Junior Asparagus and the bouncy seat."

"I love you." She said the words involuntarily, but that didn't make them any less true.

She touched his face and tried to stay afloat in his eyes. He kissed her forehead slowly, and she struggled not to get caught up in the moment.

She cleared her throat. "You should get dressed."

"Right." He pulled his shirt over his head and gave her an awkward smile when he caught her staring. He ran a hand through his delightfully messy hair and grinned as she blushed.

"Why do you have to dress us in matching outfits every Sunday?" He had shimmied into his khakis and the shirt she'd picked.

She blotted her lipstick. "I've literally dreamed about dressing my family in matching outfits for church every Sunday since I was a little kid."

He made eye contact with her in the mirror and smiled fondly. "That's so cute." She returned his smile and then blushed at the way he left the top button undone and cuffed his sleeves because he knew she liked that. "But why suspenders?"

"Because they match your son's?" She was on the way to check on the kids.

"But our son is a baby," he whined.

She turned to roll her eyes at him. "And you're whining like a baby, so I guess it's appropriate." There was humor in her voice. "Now, while I go see what Qwerty has for us today, please put on your suspenders."

He held her gaze for a bit. "OK."

"I love you," she told him genuinely, watching the eye crinkles reappear before she left him to finish getting ready.

She packed the bottles and did one last diaper change/potty stop in the minutes it took him to get his hair and suspenders just so.

He emerged from their bedroom, dapper as ever, and scooped up their little boy and his diaper bag and headed for the car.

His wife couldn't help but smile at how handsome he was and how doing daddy things made him even more handsome.

They secured the kids into their seats and met at the back of their practical SUV.

Instead of brushing past one another like usual, she stopped him. "Do you really want to know why I picked suspenders?" Her hands were on his chest.

He raised an eyebrow and smirked, waiting.

She wrapped her fingers around the suspenders and tugged until he smiled and bent low enough for her to press her lips to his. She kissed him breathless, and she kissed him thoughtless, and she kissed him more.

"We're gonna be late." She watched his face, his eyes hooded and adorable and confused. "Let's go." She released the suspenders with a little snap.

She breezed to the car door, but he couldn't move yet.


Author's Note: As always, vote and comment and share if you wanna! I hope you're having a great day! Love you! ♡

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