spooooky ♡

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Both of the Halloweens that they had been as a couple – one dating and one engaged – they had gone to parties in extremely cheesy couple costumes. Their first Halloween, they had been peanut butter and jelly, and for their second, they had gone as Lancelot and Guinevere.

For their first Halloween as a married couple, however, they chose to stay home... and entertain trick-or-treaters. It had been her idea, and he, as always, joined right in. It had taken some convincing, but he had even talked his wife into buying a huge, inflatable dragon that breathed “fire” for their front lawn. She didn't do gory or scary, but this she could handle.

They'd really prepared for this since it was not in his nature nor hers to do anything halfheartedly. He'd bought ten or so full-sized candy bars every week when he got paid for over a month, and even though they'd snuck the occasional Snickers bar, the shiny black metal bowl they'd picked out to hold the candy was full to bursting on the magical night.

The porch light was on, the dragon was standing at its full seven feet of height, and they were relaxing on the couch in jeans and shirts with Halloween puns on them. The sun had barely gone down when the first child came. It was a little girl dressed up as a cheerleader and her brother, who was dressed up as a football player.

“Trick or treat!” they shouted in unison.

“Hi!” she greeted them, squatting a little bit to meet their eyes. “I like your costumes! What candy bar do you want, Sweetie?”

The cheerleader opted for 3 Musketeers, and her big brother took a Butterfinger before thanking her, and then they were off.

He answered the door for the next group – about five kids dressed up as members of their favorite band. They even sang their “trick or treat,” and it sounded surprisingly good.

“Hey, guys! I like your costumes and your band! It's great to see you!” He called each of the band members by name. They each picked a candy bar and sang him their thanks before moving on to the next house.

The pair of them answered the next time, and they were met with an entryway full of little superheroes!

“Goodness! I'm glad you're here to save the day!” she declared. “I've been attacked by a hairy wildebeest!” She shot an evil smirk over her shoulder at her husband, who was actually quite hairy. On cue, he jumped behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her inside and growling all the way. The kids' giggles echoed hers as he “attacked” her.

Each of them took some candy, and he noticed that the Reese's cups were running low, so he pulled one out and put it in the fridge for his wife to have later.

As the night progressed, they met more superheroes, a zombie, Danny and Sandy from Grease, some video game characters, whose parents even got in on the fun, a few angels, the same Disney princess 6 times, and Scooby Doo and the gang.

She was about to turn off the light and unplug the dragon since they were nearly out of candy and she was ready for bed, but there was a knock at the door that she felt compelled to answer.

There was only one child. Her mom was at the curb in the car, and the little girl was dressed as an angel. “Trick or treat,” she said shyly, giving her host a smile with a couple teeth missing.

“Hi, Sweetie,” she replied, squatting down to meet her oddly familiar eyes. “You look very pretty.”

The little girl blushed. “Thank you,” she replied.

Something about this little girl grabbed her attention... something in the color of her eyes and the way her dark curls fell down her back and her pretty smile that lit up the porch better than any light bulb possibly could made her want to hug her close and never let go.

Instead, she let the little girl take the remainder of the candy bars – all four of them – and watched her walk away. The little angel tossed a sweet smile back at the lady standing awkwardly in the porchlight before crawling into the backseat of her mom's car and leaving her life as quickly as she had entered.

She unplugged the dragon then and turned off the porchlight. Her handsome man had taken off his jeans and was waiting for her on the couch with open arms. “Hold on, Honey,” she told him, scurrying to the bedroom. “I gotta get outta these jeans.”

“I support that.” He grinned evilly. She rolled her eyes and slipped into some more comfortable clothes before returning to the living room to settle in with her man. She cuddled into his embrace and nuzzled her against his chest. He let his fingers run through her hair slowly in the silence.

It had been a fun night. “Any candy left?” She had a feeling he was trying not to go to sleep. She truthfully didn't want to sleep yet, either. When you sleep, the fun night is over.

“There isn't,” she replied, stroking the soft inner part of his forearm. “I gave it all to the last little girl.”

“But I wanted some!”

She rolled her eyes. “You're a grown man! Buy your own.”

“I already did! And then you gave all the extra away!”

She rolled her eyes. “Do you want to know why I gave it all to the last kid?”

He nodded, his expression softening, though she couldn't see it because his chest was too comfortable for her to bother moving her head. “I want to know.”

She sighed, fiddling with his long fingers. “It was a gorgeous little girl. She was so sweet... She was dressed like an angel, and she looked exactly like you.”

“Really? That's cool! And weird.”

“Right?” She sat up to meet his eyes. “It really made me think...”

He pressed a kiss on her forehead. “About what?”

“A little girl with you... What our daughter would look like.”

He choked up a little. “What would we be like as parents? Whose temperament would she have? What would we name her?”

“I asked all of those questions in my head at one time the second I saw her.”

“I'm glad you gave her all the candy.” He smirked. “And there's a surprise for you in the fridge.”

“You didn't,” she gasped. She ran to the fridge and nearly got emotional when she found the Reese's he'd set aside for her.

She was back in his arms as quickly as she could be. “Here you go,” she peeled the package open and peeled the paper off the candy and then pressed it lightly to his lips. He opened his mouth to argue, and she filled it with chocolate and peanut butter before eating a peanut butter cup of her own.

They fell asleep a few minutes later, all tangled together and so full of love and sugar...

Author's Note:
Happy Halloween! Please vote and comment and share and stuff if you want and make sure to enjoy the fun around you! Love you!! 🌙

moments ♡Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora