a tiff ♡

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Once, when she was a kid, she was watching The Dick Van Dyke Show with her dad, and she noticed that Laura checked her hair in the mirror when she heard her husband coming to the front door. She figured that if Laura Petrie did it, then it was reason enough for her to do it, too.

So, when she heard the crunchy noise of her man's car in the driveway, she instinctually found her way to the mirror in the hallway to run her fingers through her hair and put on a fresh coat of lip balm before he came through the door.

She met him as he was coming through the front door. "Hi, Handsome. How was your day?" She would never quite be immune to how good he looked in his dress pants and button-down shirts that he wore for work.

He dropped his keys in their place by the door, and before she realized what was happening, he pulled her suddenly into his arms and off of her feet. She didn't have time to gasp or giggle before his lips were on hers. Her hands had found their way to his hair and had made their home, tangling themselves tight in his soft curls. No matter how many times he kissed her, this would always feel incredible, his mouth moving with hers. Gosh, he tasted so good and he was so eager and hungry and almost desperate. He must've missed her... or something. She wouldn't demand an explanation just yet, though.

Maybe it was a minute or an hour or a year, but he finally set her back on her feet when her head was light and her lips were swollen and her brain wouldn't quite form a thought. "Hi," he said with a sideways smile.

"Hi," she panted. "What was that?!"

He raised an eyebrow. "A kiss for the woman I love?"

"You literally only kiss me like that when you want something, you've done something wrong, or we're... not clothed."

He chuckled. "I didn't know I needed a reason to kiss my girl breathless."

"I'm not quite breathless," she scoffed. "I'm mostly curious."

"Wait. You're not breathless?" He wasn't having that. He swept her back into his arms, catching the giggle that escaped from her lips with his lips before falling into another long bout of kissing her.

"Ok, Babe." She could barely speak for the lack of oxygen. "You've kissed me very thoroughly." She took a second to catch her breath and regain her composure. "Now, how was your day?"

He sighed. "It was good! I got a lot done at work today, the leftovers were perfect for lunch, I got a parking ticket, the boss liked my tie -"

"Honey." She cut him off intentionally. "Another parking ticket?"

He sighed, anxiously running a hand through his hair. "Yeah."

"Didn't you just get one last week?" Her hand had found its way to her hip, and he couldn't help but notice how incredibly cute she was when she was annoyed.

"The week before," he admitted sheepishly. "I'm sorry!"

She sighed. "Will you ever get better at parking?" She wasn't yelling, but she was miffed. "Man, it's fortunate that you just got a raise. We should start figuring parking tickets into the budget." She chuckled, but she was only half-kidding.

"I think I'll just be bad at this forever," he chuckled. "I try! I do! I just suck at this!"

She nodded. "You're only human, Babe. It's fine. We'll pay it, and I'll park the car when we go out together."

"You're cute."

She actually blushed. "As are you." He opened his arms for her, and she happily stepped into his warm embrace.

Realization dawned on her all at once. "Were you trying to kiss your way out of me being annoyed with you?"

He pressed a kiss to her hair. "Maaaaybe."

She kissed his chest. "It worked."

Author's Note:
Hi! I hope you enjoyed this lil adventure! Please vote/comment/subscribe/hug the nearest friend or family member today! Love you!!

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