stars ♡

30 3 1

Dinner had been eaten. Dishes had been washed and put away. She didn't have any studying to do. It was quiet. It was still. He was... Where was he?

"Babe?" She rose off the couch."Baby?" She wandered through the house looking for her man, but he was nowhere to be found, and she felt panic welling up in herthroat. What the heck? He wouldn't just... leave. "Babe! Where the heck are you? I'm gonna beat you senseless!" She frantically dashed through the house again just to make sure she hadn't missed any places that he could be hiding waiting to scare her.

Maybe outside? But... why? On impulse, she flung open the back door. "Babe! What the heck are you doing?"

His voice was faint, but it was there. "Watching the stars! Come lay with me."

"Are you kidding me?! You scared me half to death!"

"I'm sorry for scaring you! You won't have to yell if you'd come lay beside me."

She rolled her eyes, but she still stepped onto the doorstep and shut the door behind her, triple-checking to make sure she left it unlocked. "Where are you?"

"Just start walking and follow my voice! Want me to sing for you?"

She was somehow frustrated and amused all at once and amazed at this man who could make her feel such conflicting things at the same time. "No, just keep talking."

He was really far out in the yard. She found him by tripping over his arm, which was stretched out far over his head. He rolled over quickly to keep her from falling to the ground. He caught her with his body before pulling her into his arms."I love you."

"I love you." It was silent just long enough to be awkward. He laughed, and she rolled off of him before laying down on her back. He laid down on his back beside her, and she reached for his hand. "What are you doing out here, Babe?"

"Looking at the stars." No matter how eccentric, that answer oddly made sense for him.

"Well, that begs the question... Why? It's a weeknight. It's nice and warm inside. I was in there."

"I just noticed that it looked pretty clear out the window, and I wanted to come see. They're beautiful, aren't they?"

She had to admit, the sky was stunning. In their apartment in the city, they could never really see stars, but here, it seemed like they could see all the way to the other end of the universe. "They're so beautiful."

"I was just looking at the stars and thinking about how many people lived and loved under the same stars."

"That's..." Wow. She hadn't spent much time thinking of that. She sneezed. Stupid grass allergy.

"I'm sorry, Babe, we should go in."

"No! I like this. You're so thoughtful. Keep talking."

"As long as you take Zyrtec when we get inside."

She lifted his hand to her lips and pressed a kiss to the joint on his thumb. "Mmkay."

"But... the stars are the closest things we have to forever, and I was just thinking how my parents fell in love under those stars – and your parents. And... their parents. Shakespeare wrote sonnets under these stars. Lancelot loved Guinevere and Romeo loved Juliet and Antony loved Cleopatra and Troy loved Gabriella and I love you. The stars stay the same and people keep falling in love underneath."

"OK, but Lancelot and Guinevere didn't end with them together, and Romeo and Juliet were teenagers who committed suicide."

"But my parents are still in love, and so are yours. My grandpa went to his grave in love with my Bubbie. Lots of people I love are still in love. The people I love right now are living and breathing under the same stars. Tomorrow, we'll be under the same sunshine."

"It's a beautiful thought." She tried to hide the emotion in her voice, but it didn't work.

"Maybe in about 30 years, our kids will be laying under the same stars falling in love. And 30 years later, their kids will be doing the same."

"As long as the stars don't burn out." She took a breath. "Sorry. No, the stars won't burn out. They'll be shining for as many years as we can even imagine."

"And that's how long I'll be loving you." She turned her head to smile at him to find that he wasalready studying her. A tear dripped from her eye. "You need to get inside and take some allergy medicine, Babe."

It wasn't allergies. Still, he stood and helped her up. They went inside, and she took her Zyrtec, and they slept.

And so another love story lives and moves beneath the same dancing millions of galaxies that oversaw the greatest loves.

Author's Note:
Did ya miss me? I missed you guys! I'm back for the foreseeable future! I'm not sure how often I'll be posting, but you can definitely expect more! I love you guys, and I hope you enjoyed! Please vote and comment and share if you want to and remember that you're beautiful. Love you!! ♡♡

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