horror ♡

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Why had she let him talk her into this?

Compromise was normally something that she found benefits in. She went to restaurants he wanted to go to and found things that she loved. She watched TV shows that he liked, and she got hooked. She went on the adventures he wanted to go on, and she found that she was having fun.

But… She didn't like this movie. She didn't do spooky or scary or gory or suspenseful. He had promised her lots of popcorn, and she had eaten the whole large bucket nervously, ducking behind his shoulder every time something startled her.

He munched at his popcorn distractedly, his eyes never leaving the screen as his girl hid behind him. He didn't want to miss a frame lest he not understand the movie and waste the price of tickets and snacks and the wear and tear on his poor girl's heart. She somehow found a way to tangle herself around him more and more with every scary moment.

He couldn't help but smile as she hid her face behind his shoulder. Her arms were wrapped around him, her popcorn bucket and boxes of candy long-ago discarded. She was nearly in his lap, but he wasn't complaining. He definitely owed her, though. This was a lot for her.

The movie was nearly over when something happened that startled him, and she let out a sad little whimper. It was then that he felt the tears on his shoulder seeping through his gray t-shirt. Before he could think twice, he'd set aside his popcorn and unbound her arms from their death-grip on his shoulder. "Baby?"

Tears were pouring down her face. He didn't think the movie was that scary, but It clearly was for her. He abandoned his snacks and everything, standing and leading his girl out of there as quickly as he could. She had latched onto his hand, following him almost blindly through her tears.

He led her to a bench and sat, pulling her into his lap and holding her close. "I'm so sorry," he murmured.

"No, I agreed to come." She tried to pull out of his embrace, but he held her tight. "I wanted to see what you wanted to see. Besides, I like the cuddles."

He smirked. "I like the cuddles, too." He pressed his lips to her jaw. "But I don't like seeing you traumatized, Babe."

"I didn't know it would be so bad." She sniffled, tucking her hair behind her ear and meeting his eyes.

He couldn't quite form words as he gazed into the eyes he'd fallen in love with - now swollen and red with tears. "I didn't either." He brushed his fingertips across her face, wiping away any latent tears before letting his hand rest on her neck. "I just feel horrible for putting you through that."

"Would you stop?" She let out a chuckle – a teary chuckle, but a chuckle nonetheless. "I'm fine. I was just scared, and it was just a movie."

"But it made you cry." He seemed to deflate; his whole body slumped.

She slipped her fingers beneath his chin, pulling his gaze to hers. "But I knew I'd be safe with you, no matter how freaked-out the movie made me."

He pressed his lips to hers then, wrapping her in his arms and keeping her close. He took his time, not caring that they were in a semi-public place, though this particular bench was situated behind a column so that they weren't quite out in the open. Her hands were on either side of his face as she tried her best to convey to him that she was, indeed, okay. Her heart was racing now, but it had nothing to do with a suspenseful movie.

His hair was messy and his face was flushed pink when he pulled away. "Are you okay now?"

She pressed another kiss to his lips. "Of course. I'll always be okay as long as I’m with you."

He kissed her once more before she stood and he followed. Her hand was in his, and he decided then and there that as long as it was in his power, she would, indeed, be okay.

Author's Note:
Please vote and share and cuddle a loved one today! Love you!! ♡

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