naked ♡

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He had seen her naked.

He had appraised every curve. Every freckle. Every stretch mark. Every place that she wanted to hide. He had seen it all and appraised it all and let his fingers trace every hill and valley. His lips had tasted, and his eyes had been dazzled. His mind had marveled, and his heart had fallen for every inch so hopelessly and helplessly and entirely.

He had seen her naked.

He had seen her fears and insecurities. He had seen the pain of the decisions she’d regret forever. He had watched tears fall from her eyes at all the things that broke her heart - the trivial and the soul-crushing. He knew her hopes for the future - the dreams she’d had since she was a little girl.

He had seen her naked.

He had wrapped his arms around her and pressed his lips to her hair in times of pain. He had held her tight when she’d cried over the loss of a loved one or the death of a dream. He had watched her eyes when her heart was anguished but she continued living anyway. He had seen her righteously indignant when someone was treated unfairly. He had seen her unrighteously indignant in moments of irrationality and offense. He loved it all. He loved her.

He had seen her naked.

He had seen her in his sweatpants with no makeup and absolutely at peace. He had held her until she fell asleep in his arms, snoring against his neck and smiling in dreams. He had gotten tangled in her hair while she slept and let his fingers drift over her sleeping features. He had held her close through the insecurity of nightmares and nights when her mind would not allow her to rest.

He loved her. He had seen her body. He had seen her heart. He had seen her mind. He had seen her, and he loved and craved and ceaselessly admired every naked part.


She had seen him naked.

She had seen the smattering of curls on his chest and the soft spots right above his hips. She had seen his awkward tan lines and the places he’d rather hide. She’d seen the places he didn’t show anyone. She’d seen the shape of him and his ridiculously long toes. She had seen all of him and let her fingers explore the glorious topography and her mouth taste every delicacy he had to offer, and it was all savory and warm and paradise in her eyes.

She had seen him naked.

She had seen tears in his eyes when he saw a loved one in pain. She had seen him disappointed at injustice and the state of the world in which he lived. She had seen his heart broken at the disapproval of someone he loved. She had seen his insecurities and plans. She had seen him afraid of the future and the present and the past.

She had seen him naked.

She had held him tight in her arms when he was worried. She had reassured him how very loved he was. She had kissed away his heartbreak when he felt as though he had failed. She had held his hand as he faced an uncertain future. She had taken care of him, and he had provided for her.

She had seen him naked.

She had witnessed him with his t-shirt long discarded and his sweatpants low around his hips because more than that would have been too cumbersome for his peace of mind. She had lain on his chest as he snored and she turned up the volume on old sitcoms. She had curled into his chest and been mesmerized by his steady breaths when her mind would not rest. She had watched his face, free of the lines of trouble, relax with the silence of sleep.

She loved him. She had seen his body. She had seen his heart. She had seen his mind. She had seen him, and she loved and craved and ceaselessly admired every naked part.


Perhaps there is no perfect body, nor is there a perfect mind or a perfect soul. Maybe there is, however, a body for everybody. Maybe a mind for everymind. Maybe a soul for everysoul who longs to belong and a satisfaction for every soul who craves.

Maybe there is a naked half for every other naked half.



We’ll call it surely, for who is to say that we are wrong?

Being naked and being loved is all that one can hope for, and it’s everything that they had found.

It is the love of a lifetime - to be naked and unashamed.

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