summer ♡

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She wondered how, every single day, her man got cuter. She wondered how this love of her life seemed to make her love him more with every single day that passed. She wondered how he could have endeared himself so much in her heart. It didn't seem possible for a person to leave a mark on someone's hard as indelible as the one he'd left on hers.

The first day of summer was upon them, and he had insisted on taking their sweet girl outside to play in the sprinkler and on the slip and slide he had made from a tarp for the backyard. He carried the little one outside on his hip with Mama close behind. She'd ccme outside with them under the guise of wanting to "even out her tan", but was it really so strange that she just wanted to watch her man play with their baby? She only thought she loved him before she saw him with her.

Maybe that was strange, but it was a strangeness she took pride in.

Papa had taken his time picking the perfect sprinkler, and it paid off as Papa and Baby ran beneath it, squealing like the giddy children they were. Their sweet little sprout laughed and laughed when Papa took his turn getting a running start and sliding down the slip-and-slide. She laughed even harder when he slipped off the end of it and an extra six feet or so.

Mama might've laughed at that, too. They made it look so inviting that, after a little while, she had to join in. She and her man lobbed water balloons at each other, and the little one couldn't stop laughing. He pulled her into his arms and tumbled them both onto the slip and slide where they wrestled and laughed and laughed. Their little one laughed, too. She jumped into the pile where they were wrestling, and soon she was being tickled as she wriggled around beneath the onslaught of happiness and water from the sprinkler and bright, unyielding sun.

Once they were all sufficiently soaked and hot and pink from the sun, they dripped their way into their pretty little home. They all had baths and too many popsicles apiece, and she thought summer might be her new favorite season.

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