♡ love

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Every date with her was so interesting and exciting. After that first kiss (and second and third and four hundredth before the end of the night), he was even more enamored with her than before. He made dinner for her or they had takeout nearly every night before cuddling and kissing on the couch and watching Food Network and talking about the mysteries of the universe. She was so wise and funny and kind. It blew his mind that she liked him - let alone REALLY liking him.

Somehow, though, he didn't feel the need to up his game to impress her. The way that she loved other people was such that she was completely able to accept people. She admired, imperfections and all, and that was maybe his favorite thing about her.

Well, that, and the way that she fit perfectly against his side with her head on his shoulder.

He still planned date nights, though. McDonald's nuggets on the couch were one kind of romance. Her in a dress in the moonlight was something totally different.

She was in her white cotton dress with BB cream on her face and her hair in a high ponytail when he came for her. It was Friday night, and he told her to be comfortable, but she wanted to look pretty for him. Date nights only happened every couple of weeks, and she didn't want to pass up an opportunity to look her best - to give him her best.

His knock was nice, quiet, and polite as always, and he arrived a minute and a half before he promised, as he always did.

"Hi." His smile was so beautiful that it caught her off guard, as did the pretty bouquet of green carnations in his hand.

"Hi, Handsome." She took the flowers to put them into a vase. As soon as her hands were free, his lips were sweetly on hers. She touched his face and kissed him back, surprised at how badly she'd missed him - even though it only been a day since they had lunch together.

"You taste sweet." He pulled away, taking her hands in his and dazzling her with his eyes. "Sweeter than usual."

"I got new chapstick." A rampant blush covered her face and neck.

He licked his lips. "Vanilla?"

She pulled the tube out of her pocket. "Cake batter!"

"Yummy." He grinned evilly. "Bring that with you."

"Why else would I wear a dress with pockets?" She returned his evil grin.

There was a charged silence.

"Ready to go?"

"Mhmm." She took his arm as soon as they were out the door, but she was stopped in her tracks by the gorgeous 1969 Barracuda parked at the curb. "What's that?!"

He grinned down at her. "I rented it. We're going on a picnic!" He was as enthusiastic as a little kid going for ice cream, and it was absolutely adorable.

"Really?!" Her enthusiasm rivaled his. She stood on her toes and kissed his cheek quickly. "You do the best stuff for me."

"You are the best stuff for me." He shrugged, saying it as though it was nothing as he opened the car door for her. She grinned and pecked his lips quickly before sliding into the car.

He was in the car, cranking up, when she realized that the backseat was loaded with... stuff. Blankets, pizzas, a cooler. Candles. She was impressed.

"Where are we picnicking?" Her hand was in his as soon as he was in the car, buckled in, and out of his parking spot.

He grinned; he was doing a lot of that today. "I'd like to surprise you - if that's okay."

She lifted his knuckles to her lips. "Of course it's okay. I'll be happy anywhere I'm with you." He smiled proudly at the road as she used her free hand to find their favorite radio station. They harmonized on the way, as they often did. It was nice knowing that their voices were as compatible as the rest of them.

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