morning (ii) ♡

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She was almost certain that he Googled lists of terms of endearment, because he seemed to call her by a different one each morning around the same time.

"Yeah, Babe?" She leaned against the doorway and watched him brush through his hair for the hundredth time. He set the brush back in its place and smiled at her.

She was absolutely positive that a day would never come when her heart wouldn't stutter at how very handsome her young man was. He tugged at the ends of his tie hanging from his neck over his thick chest. "The usual, I'm afraid," he answered with a cute scowl.

She chuckled and stepped closer to help him. "Four-in-hand okay?" She held the ends of the tie in her hands, unabashedly letting her knuckles graze over his chest and ribs and tummy. "Or would you prefer a Windsor knot?"

His quiet chuckle seemed to physically brighten the room. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, and she let herself get lost in the smell of his cologne and the softness of his beard for a second. "Maybe a half-Windsor?" There was a grin in his voice.

Her strong, capable hands made quick work of the tie, and she took note, as always, of the cute way he held his head while she pulled the knot tight.

She wasn't shy about letting her fingers linger at his neck or trail over his shoulders.

She explored his back with her fingertips before he pulled her close and held her. It lined up so that his lips were against her temple.

They fit together. In every way.

"Mmm," he groaned after too short a moment. "I need to go now."

They released one another and exchanged I love yous, and he was out the door.

Tying his tie was her favorite part of the morning. This was true partly because she simply loved the intimacy...

It was also true because she knew they'd still be doing the same things forty-six years later, and nothing could make her happier.

Author's Note: I say this often, but this is definitely a new favorite ♡ You can vote and comment and share if you want to, as always! Love you!

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