♡ yours

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"Funnel cake?" he offered, tugging her hand toward yet another food booth at the local fair.

She squeezed his fingers as they got in line. "Who would refuse funnel cake?" He grinned at her, and she grinned back.

"I don't know, Babe, but I'm glad you wouldn't. We'd probably have to have a talk if you did." He lifted her knuckles to his lips. It had only been two weeks since their first date, and they were together. Always together.

They had lunch together nearly every day, and he walked her to class and to her car at the end of the day. He called her every night, though, thankfully, they had never argued about who would hang up first. Mundane thing were fun when they were together.

Everything was fun or at least right when they were together.

So, they were together. Always together. They hadn't shied away from the titles "boyfriend" and "girlfriend." "Babe," "Honey," and "Sweetheart" came in quick succession.

This was only their second date officially, but it felt as though they had always been a thing as they held hands and hit up nearly every food booth on the gigantic fair ground.

She watched with adoration as he won a gigantic stuffed dragon for her, and he held her hand as she screamed her head off on every ride the fair had to offer.

She nibbled at her funnel cake, and he nibbled at his as they made their way through the crowd, quite literally attached at the hip to keep from losing one another. She snuck glances at her handsome man looking broad-shouldered and glorious in his flannel shirt and too-tight jeans. He snuck his fair share of glances as well - positively silly over how pretty she was - even in an oversized, ancient sweater and jeans she used to wear in high school and her hair in a messy French braid.

The afternoon turned to evening and then to night as they explored together, occasionally running into friends, as one is prone to do in a small town. They were so wrapped up in each other that time didn't matter. They walked and talked and laughed and ate.

She tugged his hand toward the caricature artist, and, though he protested, she only had to bat her eyelashes a couple of times before he gave in. They ended up laughing a lot as they tried to pose. Their eleven-inch height difference wasn't a thing that either of them really noticed, but they looked funny trying to pose. She ended up on his lap, which neither of them minded much, pulled just so against his chest. She couldn't focus much on the drawing, too occupied with his arm wrapped casually around her waist and his strong chest pressed against her back.

"We look so cute!" He was nearly giggling as he admired the picture, stepping out of the booth.

She smiled smugly. "Told you so."

"You did." He rolled his eyes but then took her hand and grinned at her anyway. "He got your freckles exactly right. And your smile. And your dimples."

A blush broke across her cheeks. "Well, he got your freaking perfect eyebrows and your beard and your smile is almost as pretty as real life."

He squeezed her hand, flustered by the compliments. They walked aimlessly in silence for a few minutes. "What haven't we done yet?"

"I don't know..." She knew exactly what they hadn't done yet, but she didn't want to bring it up.

He turned toward the parking lot. "I know exactly what we haven't done yet..." He trailed off nervously. "Maybe we should go unload first."

Something about this felt significant. She suddenly felt light and excited and also nervous and messy. It was coming. This was going to happen.

They got to his car and left all the snacks they'd be taking home and the gigantic stuffed dragon and the caricature. When their hands were empty and she had reapplied her Chapstick, he took her hand again. "Have you figured out what we haven't done yet?"

"I knew the whole time," she answered sheepishly. "The ferris wheel."

He blushed. She was privy to his intentions. Oh well. "Yeah. I was saving it for last."

"I was looking forward to it." She squeezed his hand.

They headed to the ferris wheel in nervous silence. Couples rode ferris wheels. Ferris wheels were romantic. They were a couple. The line wasn't as long as he expected. He hoped his palms weren't sweaty. They were silent. This was coming. This was happening.

Even the silence was pleasant between them. "Are you - um - thinking what I'm thinking?" A mischievous grin broke across his handsome face.

She blushed. "I hope so."

They were at the front of the line soon. Once they were settled in and the ride was moving, he let go of her hand to pull her into his arms. Her heart was beating hard, but she chose to take a deep breath and turn her face to rest against his soft, worn shirt.

The ride had stopped. They were at the top of the ferris wheel. They were at the top of the world. The stars were so close that she felt like she might turn into one of them. She felt so bright with him close to her.

"Babe." His voice was breathless as he spoke to get her attention. She pulled away to see his face.

Volumes could've been written from all she saw in his eyes... if there were words to describe any of it. "I like you VERY much."

Her hands were still on his narrow waist. "I like you, too."

He smiled shyly, his eyes flitting from her eyes to her lips and back. He leaned in. "May I?" His breath was warm and sweet on her face.

She didn't answer. She closed the space, meeting his surprised, soft lips with hers. A little "hmph" came from the back of his throat as his fingers came to rest beneath her chin.

He pulled away and smiled at her. She smiled back, and he came in for more. His lips were soft and still firm against hers, parted and moving slowly. Gosh, his kiss was so sweet and his beard was soft against her skin. She kissed back, of course. She liked him so much. The taste of him was intoxicating, as were his hands holding her face just so that he could deepen things a little before the ride ended.

He pulled away just before the ride was over. "That was..." He was trying to find words, but he couldn't put any together. "Wow."

She smiled, biting her lip. "It was."

"You're just..." He couldn't stop smiling. "You're amazing. You're absolutely amazing. I can't believe you're with me."

A giggle bubbled up and out of her lips. "I can't believe you think so. And you're absolutely gorgeous and strong and wise and talented and such a gentleman and so good to me. I struggle to believe you're even real.."

They were at the car now. He released her hands, and her back was suddenly against the door. He bent to kiss her again, and she was overwhelmed. He was less tender now, his lips moving quickly and his hands exploring her shoulders and back and hips while she held to the collar of his shirt. His mouth was so sweet, and this was so... much - but in the best possible way. She wondered how this could be happening. Was this real life?

"I'm 100% real," he panted. "And I'm 100% yours."

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