pluviophile ♡

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He was a pluviophile. The constant pattern of the rain on their roof calmed the constant running here and there in his brain, and the muted gray of the sky soothed his soul. The birds took a break from singing. The squirrels didn’t scurry. Everything slowed. He slowed.

She was, however, not a pluviophile.  The incessant drip-drip-drip made her angry, even if there was no reason for it to. The birds' silence and the squirrels' stillness made her nervous. The sound of cars driving wetly scared her. Rainy days made a mess of her feelings.

But he was a pluviophile. So, he laid in their big, soft bed and let his mind take a break while she paced. Their daughter was at school, and she may have had to have her recess inside. The kids in her class would be loud if they couldn't run and play, so she might be anxious. Their baby boy was napping. He must've been a pluviophile like his daddy.

"Come lay with me!" Her husband was laying in bed, scantily clad and calling for her to join him.

"I can't pace if I'm in bed!" She heard a loud thunk, and then her man was in the room with her. He was only wearing his boxers, and his hair stood up in a thousand directions. The amalgamation of cute and sexy that he always had been still made her insides warm.

His arms were around her, and his lips were at her ear. "Come lay with me. You don't have to pace." His voice was husky - whether it was with sleep or something else was somewhat debatable. "Let me hold you. I'll keep  you safe."

"A man in his underwear will keep me safe?" She faced him and let her face scrunch up with worry. "I don't think you'll be able to do much to protect me, Babe."

"But I can make you feel safe."

His voice was so disarming and warm that she forgot whatever else she'd planned to use against him. "You always make me feel safe," she murmured as he leaned in for a kiss.

"You coming to bed?" He asked the question against her lips and then kissed her again. "Please." Long, slow kiss. "I want to hold you."

Well... that sounded appealing. "OK."

She followed him to bed, discarding all the cumbersome clothes on the way. He was calm and sleepy, and the more his fingers and lips brushed her skin as they drifted off, the calmer she became.

He was sleeping, and his breath was warm on her neck where he had fallen asleep leaving kisses. The rain was sweet on the windowpanes. The squirrels were considerate enough to stay silent. The birds were napping, too. She was calm. She was sleepy. She was happy.

Ok... so maybe she could be a pluviophile, too.

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