daddy ♡

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He was oddly surprised and excited to hear their little girl's cry coming through the monitor and see that her mama was still asleep. He knew she must be exhausted.

A year ago, he couldn't have gotten up without disturbing her, but they had begun to overlap less and less as she had gotten more and more pregnant, and they hadn't quite tangled back together yet. Still, they craved touch - craved each other, so they found smaller ways. His fingers lined up between her ribs. Their knees touching. Her hand on his hip. Their fingers intertwined.

At the sound of their little one's persistent fussing, he carefully removed her hand from that spot equidistant from his ribs and his hip and slipped out of bed, padding quietly to the nursery he'd painted the perfect shade of pink.

"Come here, tiny one," he cooed, lifting her out of her crib. He changed her diaper in record time, eager to get back to bed, but she wasn't having it.

Half of him was frustrated, but the other half was always eager to cuddle his sweet baby. "Shhh," he quieted her, wrapping her loosely in a blanket. "It's okay, Darling. Daddy's here."

He dropped sinuously into the rocking chair, a low bass rumble of a hymn pouring from his chest as he situated her over his heart and started to rock them.

"Sometimes, the love spills over, and music fills the night..." It wasn't lost on him that the lyrics fit his life so perfectly.

He stopped singing and pressed a soft kiss to her hair and relishing that sweet baby smell.

She fidgeted and fussed a little, so he held her a little more tightly, humming and rocking until it all blurred away.

When Mama woke up, the sun poured through the windows like honey. Her honey, however, wasn't beneath her hand anymore. She had fallen asleep touching his one soft spot: right there in his side where she used to curl up.

She rolled out of bed and went on the hunt for him. Not the bathroom. Not the kitchen. Not the couch. So he must be...

In their little girl's room.

He was. He was out cold, head back, mouth open, snoring and possibly drooling. She was curled up sweetly on his chest, dreaming sweet baby dreams.

And he had never been more beautiful.

Author's Note: I literally yelled "AWWWWWW" no less than 56 times writing and revising this.

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