imitation ♡

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"Hi, Little Guy," he greeted his son. The boy was standing in front of his mirror in his button-down shirt with a tie hanging over his shoulders. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to tie this tie." He began his next attempt, and Dad couldn't help but admire the way that he poked his tongue out adorably when he focused - just like his mama did.

It suddenly occurred to Papa Bear that it was Tuesday. There was no reason for him to be dressing himself up. "Why the sudden need to figure this out?"

"I was trying to be like you," he replied, smiling at his dad and showing his Mom's deep dimples in the process. "You wear ties all the time, so I want to do it, too."

Tears filled that father's eyes as he moved to crouch down beside his little third grader. "Really?"

He nodded proudly. "Yeah. I like your ties."

"Well, thank you. I do more than wear ties, though." His son nodded. "What else do you see me do?"

"Kiss Mama," he replied without missing a beat.

"Well, can you blame me? Your mama is awfully pretty."

The little guy grinned. "Mama is really pretty," he affirmed. "And she gives good hugs and puts good stuff in my lunchbox."

"She does that for me, too," Papa replied with a grin. "What else do you see me do?"

The little fella had returned to working on his tie. "Talk to Sisser. Walk outside. Play your guitar. Carry in groceries. Cook dinner. Yard work. Read. Give us a lot of hugs."

"You're right," he replied with a nod. "I do all those things. Why are you trying to be like me?"

His son turned those eyes on him. "Because you're my Papa and I love you."

Dad pulled his tiny gentleman into his arms. "I love you too, Sweet Boy."

"How do I be like you?"

He paused for a long moment. "I'd rather you be like you."

Author's Note:
I know this was super short, but I really like it! I haven't developed this little guy much, but he's awfully sweet.

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