easy ♡

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He stood at the dryer, barefoot and shirtless, folding each T-shirt neatly and setting them in a perfect stack. He was so perfectly tidy and methodical - her polar opposite.

She watched him furtively, smiling as he shook the wrinkles out of each garment, casually blushing at the play of the muscles in his upper body. He was so handsome. She was almost certain she'd never be immune to his attractiveness.

When she couldn't resist any longer, she quietly slipped up behind him and rested her fingers on his hipbones and her forehead against the skin of his strong back.

"Mmm," he sighed contently. "Hi."

"Hi." She pressed her lips to his shoulder blade and let them linger as he tossed the shirt aside and took her hands in his.

She abruptly turned the sweet kiss to a very wet raspberry. He made a noise between a laugh and a growl, and she turned and ran, giggling and squealing hysterically all the while.

"Oh, it's on!" He turned to dash after her. He didn't know what he'd do when he caught her, but that wasn't important yet.

She was a mess of squeaks and laughter, running around the couch and up the hall to their bedroom. He leapt over the couch, gaining on her quickly.

He found her laughing her butt off on the far side of the bed. He threw himself across the bed, rolling across it and landing on top of her and pinning her to the floor.

Her eyes looked startled, but she couldn't regain her composure. "What - are you - gonna do - to me?" she gasped.

There was a glint of mischief in his lovely eyes with an equally mischievous smile pulling at his equally lovely lips. He gazed at her face and then brushed his fingertips across her cheek. A smile tugged at her lips as she melted into this man she loved so warmly and completely.

Suddenly, his mouth was on hers, crashing and pulling and nibbling and panting. She knotted her fingers in his long, messy hair. The white-hot hunger of his kiss and wandering hands along with the soft comfort of his beard and his manly, spicy, sweet scent and the intoxicating feel of his lips moving against hers had sent her into a kind of sensation overload.

He slowly moved his kisses to the corner of her mouth and then down along her jaw. He kissed and nibbled from her ears all the way down her neck. Her brain was utterly useless.

He finally stopped at the little hollow at the base of her throat, thrilling her skin with the feel of his beard. She sighed contentedly and let her hands trail over his broad shoulders and down his arms.

He smiled wickedly against her skin... and blew a huge, wet raspberry there between her collarbones. She somehow snarled and giggled all at the same time, and he was up, running out of their room faster than even he thought possible.

By the time she was off the floor and running up the hallway, he had already bounded through the living room, through the kitchen, and out the back door.

She kept chasing, thankful the kids were at school and the neighbors were kind enough to overlook their antics.

She threw the back door open and leapt off the top step onto his back, latching on and laughing with him as they tumbled to the ground.

They broke apart, literally rolling on the ground laughing in their pajamas. He was vaguely aware that they must look ridiculous. He was even more aware that he didn't care.

She got it together first. She dried the tears she'd cried from laughing so hard before rolling onto her side facing him and propping her head on her hand.

He finally took a breath and gazed at her, a smile still tugging at his lips.

"You have grass in your beard," she chuckled. She reached across him to pull it out carefully.

When it was gone, he caught her hand and pressed a soft kiss to her knuckles.

"Thank you for loving me." He stared intently into her face.

She curled into his side, resting her head over his heart.

"You make it easy."

Author's Note: I laughed a lot writing and editing this one! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. You can, of course, vote and comment and stuff if you're so inclined. Love you! ♡

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