dragons ♡

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There was one baby on her hip. There was another singing at the top of her lungs in the living room. There was no milk. He was not home.

Her: Hi, Babe! Grab milk on the way home?
Him: Of course!

She smiled to herself. Even with the kids running manic and the rush to figure out something to feed them that wasn’t cereal like she’d planned, he was still so sweet.

Him: 2%? And do we need anything else?
Her: Yes and nope :) I love you!
Him: Love you more :*
Her: Not possible, but I’ll let you try.

“Sweet Potato Princess! We can’t have cereal because we ran out of milk.” She whined, and her mother looked at her sternly. “Don’t whine. That won’t get you anywhere.” She came into the kitchen to stand beside her mama. “What do you want to eat, Kiddo?”

The little girl covered her face with her hands as if she had been asked about the origin of the universe or something. “Do we have any dragon nuggets?”

“Did your papa tell you that they’re dragons?” She rolled her eyes to herself. Of course he would.

She nodded, her father’s dark curls flying chaotically around her face. “Yes, Mama. They don’t breathe fire, though. They breathe ketchup.”

She had to admit… That was pretty clever. Her man was full of genius ideas. “That’s true!” She decided that her little girl would believe in dragons until she absolutely had to learn otherwise. “Do you want dragon nuggets? Brother likes those, too.”

Her little girl nodded again, her curls flying more than they had before. “That sounds so yummy!” And so, the baby boy went in his playpen and the big girl helped her mommy arrange all the dragon nuggets on a big cookie sheet so that the three of them could all have some for lunch.

They tidied the living room while the food cooked, and they agreed on a Disney movie to watch as they ate. A big blanket was spread on the floor, and both sippy cups and one monogrammed metal tumbler were filled with apple juice as they watched The Lion King. It was a real struggle to keep the kids on the blanket and eating when all anyone wanted to do was dance and romp to the music -- Mama included if she were to be entirely honest.

After lunch was naptime, and boy was Mama thankful. She tried her hardest not to complain, but it was that time, and her gut and back and sides were throbbing. All she wanted to do was curl up with a heating pad and several gallons of ice cream and watch movies that would make her cry.

Mommyhood came first, though. She changed her baby boy’s diaper and laid him in his crib with his mobile and white noise machine. She had her little girl try to go to the bathroom before tucking her into her Disney Princess bedsheets.

When she sank down onto the couch and wrapped her achy body in the blanket they’d had lunch on, the tears finally slipped down her face. Running out of milk almost had her beside herself, but she thought of dragon nuggets and fairy tales and the life she found herself in and pushed through. She couldn’t wait for her man to get home. She couldn’t wait for him to hold her and assure her that she wasn’t dying.

There wasn’t any ice cream, but there was chocolate pudding, so she crawled off the couch, dragging her blanket cape along with her to the fridge and then to the dish drainer to grab a spoon.

She was halfway through her fourth pudding cup when her husband came through the door. “Honey! I’m home!” She usually met him at the door for a kiss and to ask him about his day, but she couldn’t today. He left the groceries and his bag and jacket and moved to kneel in front of her where she sat on the couch. “HI? I got milk… Let me go put that away and then I’ll come hold you, OK?”

She nodded, and he hurried into the kitchen to put this here and that there before he came back to her - now with a bouquet of wildflowers. “I saw these and thought of you because they’re pretty and so are you.”

“Babe, I’m a biohazard at this point.”

“A sexy biohazard,” he shot back with a wink. I also grabbed ice cream and some lady products for you and a fresh bag of dra-dino nuggets for the kids.”

“Your little girl told me all about your dragon nuggets,” she chuckled as he sank into the couch and pulled her very gently into his chest. “I don’t mind, but like… why?”

“Because dragons are awesome!”


“And I love fairy tales because I get to live one. Ours is different, though.”

“Because we’re not magical royalty? I definitely got that.”

“Actually, our fairy tale is different because we have more than our share of dragons, but we don’t slay them because sometimes dragons are necessary to make stronger fighters. We befriend our dragons.”

She nodded. “That’s very true. And very deep.”

“I do love going deep.”

She playfully smacked him.

“But really, we don’t have fairy tales to tell us that bad things happen. We have them to let us know that we can live happily ever after anyway.”

She ran out of milk that morning. She was sobbing with cramps. She had a toddler and a preschooler. Her uterus was pitching a fit. She was in her happily-ever-after’s arms, though, and that realization made the dragons seem a little more friendly.

Author's Note:
I hope you enjoyed this fun lil domestic day! Feel free to like and comment and share and stuff if you'd like! It truly appreciate it. I hope you can befriend some of your dragons soon, and I love you very much! ♡♡

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