morning (iii) ♡

36 3 0

She rolled over to find that her bed was... empty.

Through the fog of sleep, she figured that he had probably gone to the bathroom or something, so she curled back up, but then... She heard his sweet voice, singing an old love song. Hmm.

She rolled onto her back, stretching enough to feel as though she nearly covered the whole king sized bed, flexing everything from her fingers way above her head all the way to her toes and letting out a groan like a baby hippopotamus. She wondered vaguely how he had gotten out of bed without disturbing her; she must've been sleeping hard.

What was that NOTE? His range never ceased to amaze her. A few minutes (read: a potty stop) later, she followed the sound of his song to the kitchen before abruptly stopping in her tracks at the sight of him.

He was dancing casually around the kitchen, frying bacon and scrambling eggs in the boxers he'd slept in. He bent to check something in the oven, and his voice muffled a little, but he hit an oddly high note when he stood upright, and she couldn't suppress her laugh.

"Babe!" He turned to face her quickly, his messy morning hair falling haphazardly in his handsome face as he grinned. "Good morning! I didn't mean to wake you."

She padded to the kitchen and into his arms. "Good morning, Handsome," she murmured into his chest. "Were you singing to me?"

"Actually, I was singing to the bacon..." He pressed a soft kiss to her messy hair. "But it was about you." They stood in the silence, her loving the feel of him all wrapped around her and the smell of biscuits and bacon in the air. "Breakfast?" he offered.

She pressed a kiss to his bare shoulder. "Yes, please. What can I do to help?"

"Um..." He unwrapped one arm from her waist and turned to glance around, remembering that there was something in the world besides his girl. He kept his other hand on her waist as he stirred the eggs and checked the bacon. "Maybe make me some tea?"

She rolled her eyes before kissing his chest and pulling away. "Why do I always make the tea?"

His eyebrows pulled together adorably, and the corners of his mouth drooped. "Your tea is ALWAYS better than mine."

"I do the same things I tell you to do." There was amusement in her voice, but she pulled out the electric kettle. "Earl gray?"

He nodded. "Sure. I don't know why yours is better, but it is. I think it's the fact that you've touched it because everything you touch is good."

She rolled her eyes again. "Are you trying to butter me up? Because you should save the butter for the biscuits."

He stirred the eggs around again before pulling her into his arms quickly and kissing her breathless to prove how serious he was. "Of course not. You've made me better in every way."

She sighed, trying to regain some composure and failing as he plated the eggs and bacon and pulled the biscuits out of the oven. "What kind of cheese do you want?" She figured she might as well do something while she waited for the kettle to finish. They somehow always had like ten different kinds of cheese in the fridge at any given moment.

"Um..." He pulled the biscuits out of the oven. "Mild cheddar?"

She pulled out the mild cheddar. "That's what I was hoping for. Not quite as cheesy as you, but almost."

He shot her a dirty look with a smirk before putting the biscuits on plates and splitting them open for the butter and eggs and bacon. "You love cheese.

She brought him the cheese and stood on her tiptoes, waiting for a kiss, smiling as the kettle finished just then. "And I love you."

They put their full breakfast together before taking it to the living room, where they sat on the floor, all tangled together, and watched Good Morning America.

These, he decided, were the moments that built a lifetime.

Author's Note:
This is smut. He's in boxers cooking breakfast, and that's very, very sexy. Oops. I hope you enjoyed this, and you can vote and comment if you're so inclined. Love you! ♡♡

moments ♡Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя