Chapter 1:

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The sunbeams shone through Marinette's window as she woke up to sound of her alarm. It flashed the time 7:00am in a bright red. Her eyes faintly open, she slammed her hand down onto the snooze button. She didn't feel like getting up after what happened yesterday. Just the thoughts of Lila and Adrien replaying in her mind caused her to sink into a state of depression. What was even worse was that she thought that Adrien didn't know that Lila was Volpina and that she was akumatized. Her one true love was being taken away by a fake superhero. Her thoughts were interrupted when her mother knocked on her trapdoor.

"Wake up!" She yelled. "You're going to be late"

Marinette groaned as she dragged herself out of bed. She motionlessly got changed and headed downstairs for breakfast. Her mother and father both stared at each other until finally one of them nudged the other.

"Everything okay?" Her father questioned. "You seem upset."

"hm? Oh, yeah" Marinette mumbled.

She got up, kissed her bewildered parents and headed out the door. It was a fresh morning with a slight cool breeze. Winter was coming and the chilly days began. She arrived at school casually bumping in Alya, her best friend, who also gave her a questioning look.

"Marinette, what's up with you?" She asked.

"Oh it's nothing." Marinette said as she fake smiled.

"Girl, you are a terrible liar. What's wrong?" Alya questioned.

"Well, lately Lila has been talking to Adrien and I think they're getting close." Marinette mumbled.

"Are you jealous?" Alya cracked a sly smile. "Marinette, Lila is a nice person, maybe she likes Adrien too."

"mm-hmm.." Marinette mumbled holding her head low.

The school bell rang interrupting their conversation. Alya tugged her friend and they walked to homeroom. There she sat in her normal seat behind Adrien. She peered around expecting to see Lila flirting with Adrien or doing something. She was nowhere to be seen. Marinette turned to Alya.

"Where's Lila?" Marinette whispered.

"Not sure, just your luck that she's not here" Alya chuckled.

Marinette threw her a sarcastic look as the teacher began calling out the roll. She began to stare at Adrien who was sitting in front of her. She thought about how blessed she was to sit and be able to see Adrien everyday right in front of her. Suddenly he turned as Marinette jerked back into her seat and struggled to act normal.

"Marinette, could I borrow your pen? Mine ran out of ink and I haven't had time to get another one yet." He innocently said.

"s-sure" Marinette stuttered as she clumsily retrieved the pen.

She handed it to him giving a large, awkward smile as he turned back around. Marinette's heart fluttered as she held both her hands together and clutched them tight. Alya glanced over and mumbled.

"Nice one." And winked.

Marinette continued to gaze at the back of his head for the rest of the school day. When home time came, Alya spontaneously came up with an idea.

"Hey, you know, we should invite Adrien and Nino to the mall to look for prom dresses? It would give you two a chance to get to know each other!"

"Whoa! What? I couldn't do that. I'd probably stand there awkwardly the entire time while you guys had fun." She stated.

"Oh come on! Girl you have to take a chance!" Alya encouraged as she pushed her toward him.

Marinette stared at Adrien and gave a helpless look back to Alya. Her heart pounded to the point where she thought it would burst out. She was really going to do it. Slowly she took a step, took a breath and marched towards him. Adrien with his emerald green eyes turned to greet Marinette. Immediately she melted and made large unnecessary movement. Finally after what felt like forever the words came out.

"Oh-a, hey, Adrien, w-would you like t-to go to the mall to buy friends with clothes? No! clothes with friends?" She stuttered.

Alya's face palming could be distinctly heard.

"With Alya and Nino of course also!" She blurted.

"Sure" Adrien smiled.

Marinette scratched her neck and shuffled back to Alya.

"I did it!" She cried. "I am going shopping with Adrien!"

*Hello, I am new to this whole writing thing. I would appreciate if you commented. I really like this show and i ship Adrienette and Ladynoir. Please tell me if you want to read more!*

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