Chapter 21:

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Early morning arrived when as Marinette woke up. For once, she could be potentially early. Slowly she rose from bed still feeling guilty for rejecting Adrien the night before. Maybe she was overreacting? Maybe she was mad at Adrien for nothing? Confused and angry, she got up and got changed.

"Marinette, your overreacting, Lila has feelings for Adrien, but Adrien has feelings for you," Tikki spoke.

Marinette hesitated. Today she would forgive him. Marinette arrived at school on time and was about to head up the stairs when Adrien rushed over.

"Marinette, I'm sor-" He was cut off.

Marinette unexpectedly pulled him in for a kiss. He was completely stunned and confused.

"So I'm forgiven I suppose?" He smirked.

"For now." She responded.

The couple walked up the stairs and to class where Nino and Alya waited. Marinette walked up to her seat and Alya nudged her.

"Forgiven?" Alya whispered.

"Forgiven." Marinette responded back.

They quietly high-fived and smiled. They hadn't noticed, but Adrien would often listen into their conversations and smile along with them too. It was obviously a rude thing to do but he couldn't help it. Nino slid over to Adrien who was sitting next to him.

"Nice." He whispered.

"Very." Adrien responded.

The teacher began the role call and classes began. They had gone through a couple lessons already and science was next. Each person proceeded to their table and readied themselves. A yelling came from the other side of the room. Mylene was being consumed by a black foam liquid. It turned her into Horrificator. The entire class ran out of the room. Marinette and Adrien ran together and found a place to transform. Carefully, Ladybug and Chat Noir emerged. Kim was running from the monster and was pinned up on the wall by slime.

"Chat Noir to the rescue!" The cat yelled as he rushed over.

Ladybug face-palmed. There goes the element of surprise. She thought. Quickly, she rushed over to, to back him up. Unexpectedly, Chat Noir was pinned up next to Kim as well.

"Ah... Ladybug? A little help, please? ahehe.." He sheepishly smiled.

She rolled her eyes.

"I guess it's up to Ladybug to save the day, again," She murmured.

Using her yo-yo, he smashed the hardened goo and released Chat Noir and Kim. Chat Noir readied himself.

"What's the plan?" He asked.

"We'll have to create a diversion, while Horrificator is distracted, I'll take the pin and get the Akuma," She answered.

"What a great plan m'lady," He smirked. "Let me guess, I'm the bait?"

"Your so smart kitty," She joked.

Quickly, she ran out of Horrificator's view and waited for Chat Noir to begin.

"Hey! You! Horrificator! Pink doesn't suit you!" He yelled.

Horrificator turned around to see Chat Noir and grasped him with her tail.

"Oh, that wasn't a good idea," He mumbled.

"Guess it's all up to me, lucky charm!" She cried.

Out from the sky fell another yo-yo. A yo-yo? She thought. Scanning her surroundings, she spotted Horrificator's legs. Maybe she could tie them together and pull her to the ground.

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