Chapter 5:

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He wondered why such a spontaneous idea would pop into mind but considering he had nothing else to do, may as well. He woke up his grumpy kwami, Plagg.

"Why?! I was sleeping. There better be cheese involved!" Plagg groaned.

Adrien chuckled as he transformed. The black cat made sure no one was around. He put a pillow under the covers in hopes that it would convince by passers that he was sleeping. He pole-vaulted out the window and onto the roof and scanned the area before leaping into Marinette's home. He arrived on her balcony and hesitantly wandered in. There she was. Sleeping. He imagined her sleeping habits would be a bit more lady-like but it didn't bother him. She was spread across the bed in a twisted position. He silently laughed and decided that he would leave now. Once he had arrived on top of his roof he sat silently. Over the past year, he had developed a minor crush on Marinette. Maybe it was time to really get to know her. He lied on the roof tiles looking at the stars. It was a chilly night but it felt good on his face. After a few minutes of contemplating, he headed back in and went back to bed. Plagg was exhausted and knocked out as soon as the transformation ended.

Early morning came. It was Sunday. Marinette woke up to the sound of her kwami, Tikki.

"Wake up! We have to see Master Fu today, remember?" Tikki yelled.

Marinette recalled when they previously went to see him. He explained the history of the miraculous items and how some of them had been lost. She jumped up, got changed and rushed out the door. She had to get there, fast. She dashed through the streets swerving around people. Quickly she ducked into the room where the Master Fu sat. He turned around with his gray hairs.

"Hello, Marinette, come, take a seat." Master Fu spoke.

Marinette crept over and sat beside him. She peered over and saw he was meditating. She sat silently. After a while, he picked up the book containing all the Miraculous secrets Marinette had found when Lila threw it in the bin.

"Hawkmoth is getting stronger." Master Fu sighed.

"Why did Reflekta come back, again?" Marinette asked.

"Hawkmoth has the power to do that, he is getting strong because he has another miraculous jewel." Master Fu answered.

"Which one?" Marinette curiously asked.

"The peacock broach," Master Fu said.

"Peacock? How do you know?" Marinette continued asking.

"My kwami can sense it, it is evil. The holder has to be hawkmoth. That means he also has the kwami." Master Fu stated.

Marinette felt worried. The villains were becoming more powerful. It really got to Marinette, could Chat Noir and Ladybug defeat them? Her thoughts were interrupted by Master Fu's heart-stopping suggestion.

"Tell Chat Noir who you are." Master Fu said. "If you two know each other's identities, it means you can be closer and will help when you have to battle villains. Your connection will be stronger helping the Yin and Yang symbol that represents you both."

Marinette sat stunned. Could she really reveal her secret identity? She was left in a state of shock. She did want to know her partner's identity but... she was afraid he wouldn't like Marinette. Only Ladybug.

"Marinette, you don't have to do it immediately but, eventually." Master Fu said.

"Alright," Marinette mumbled.

She left the room. Slowly she walked home, her head down. Could she really tell him? Without looking where she was going she bumped into someone. It was Adrien. He peered down at her with his emerald green eyes. His hair perfect as usual.

"Marinette?" Adrien whispered. "Hi, what a coincidence!"

"OH! Adrien! H-hi! Uh, I was just walking home. Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was walking," She exclaimed.

"That's fine. I have to go to a photoshoot now, see you tomorrow at school," He said as he walked away.

"bye.." Marinette whispered.

She continued walking when she suddenly got stopped. As she peered up she saw, the Evilustrator. He was back. Just like Reflekta, he was back.

"Marinette," Evilustrator said. "I am here to give you one last chance, go on a date with me?"

Marinette turned to run but his hand clutched onto her arm.

"Let go!" She yelled.

Evilustrator ignored her command and instead drew a jetpack and soared off with Marinette in his arms. Adrien, who was just about to begin his photo shoot sighted the floating figures in the sky. He identified both of them and ran off to transform. The black cat emerged from behind the tree and set off looking for them. Where was Ladybug he wondered? Using his pole he jumped on top of a building and began his search.

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