Chapter 18:

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Nino took Alya by the hand as they headed to a fancy restaurant for their date. Nino, as more of a DJ type person, had never really been to a fancy restaurant. He tried his best searching for one so he could impress Alya. Meanwhile, the other couple, Adrien, and Marinette were discussing weekend plans at his house.

"What do you want to do this weekend?" He asked tapping his head with a pencil.

"How about... the theme park!" Marinette cried.

"Great idea! I've never been to one, though." He sheepishly smiled.

Marinette looked at him, wide eyes and blinked a few times. She curiously moved her head forward almost as if she were examining his facial expression.

"Really?" She asked.

Adrien nodded in response.

"My father kept me confined in this house for all these years, I never really went out," He frowned.

Marinette tried to change the subject after she saw his negative expression.

"Well, it's really fun and exciting so you'll enjoy it!" She smiled.

He grinned back. The couple discussed further plans and chattered the afternoon away. Once they realized Nino and Alya's date was about to end, they face-timed them on their phone. Adrien and Marinette were huddled together trying to keep both their heads in the screen's view. Alya's face popped up as she waved.

"How was it?" Marinette asked.

Nino's head popped into view as well. It was now Adrien and Marinette face timing Nino and Alya. They chattered and gossiped for what felt like hours. Finally, they ended the call leaving both couples to chat by themselves. Adrien lied down on his bed to stare at the ceiling. His life was going pretty well. He had everything that he ever wanted. A bit of freedom, and Ladybug. Marinette wandered over to inspect what he was doing. She plopped down beside him and they turned to stare at each other. Their dreamy gazes were interrupted by Adrien's kwami, Plagg.

"Ewww. Just give me the cheese and I'll go," He said in disgust. "I don't want to see any of this lovey-dovey gross stuff, ew."

Tikki flew out too.

"Plagg!" She cried.

Marinette and Adrien chuckled. The kwamis ventured over to the cheese filled table as they chatted.

"Every Ladybug marries her Chat Noir," Tikki whispered.

"Yeah, but I still don't want to see it," Plagg responded.

Marinette took off her ring and marveled at it. She still couldn't believe Adrien had proposed to her. She examined it and watched it glisten in lamp's light. Adrien shuffled over to her and put his arm around her.

"It's purrfect, isn't it," He laughed way too hard.

Marinette face-palmed while laughing. He still had the dumb cat puns, no matter who he was.

"I'm so punny," He chuckled.

Marinette didn't even know where these puns came from but sometimes they were pretty good. Sometimes. The night came to an end and Marinette was taken home by Adrien. Immediately, when she got back, she called Alya.

"So tell me what happened, in detail, more detail than before." She exclaimed.

Alya babbled for and unexpectedly long time about how she had fallen for Nino which was all part of Marinette's plan. After that night, the week flew by and the weekend events were about to arrive. It was the night before their trip to the amusement park and as per usual, whenever they went on a group date, Alya came over and they fumbled around for the perfect outfit. The weather was still pretty cold so they chose appropriate long-sleeved wear. As normal, Alya stayed the night so they could prepare for the next day together. The morning came quickly and the girls rushed to perfect their outfits. Casually, they arrived at the front gate of the theme park to find Adrien and Nino waiting.

"Shall we?" Adrien smiled as he put out a hand.

"Mmmhmm," Marinette smiled back accepting his gesture.

The couples both walked in to begin their adventure at the park. Firstly, they wanted to try some novelty games. There was a specific game stall based around Chat Noir and Ladybug. When Adrien and Marinette spotted it, they gave each other the same look, a look of approval. With Nino and Alya following close behind, they rushed to the stall. The aim was to use the provided yo-yo or pole to hit down the moving figures. Obviously, Adrien and Marinette could easily succeed. Adrien went first using the pole. In a quick motion, he knocked down all the figurines and received a Chat Noir plushie.

"For you, m'lady," He laughed.

"Why you shouldn't have," She giggled.

Marinette's turn was next. Using the yo-yo, she easily knocked all the figurines and received a Ladybug plushie.

"Here you are, a gift," She laughed handing it to Adrien.

They were both giggling at their little jokes when they turned around to see the stunned Nino and Alya.

"Since when were you so good at using a yo-yo?" Alya eyed her suspiciously.

"Er, um, well, Alya, I, I like to, uh, play with yo-yos in my free time? hehe.." She lied. "Oh look over there! Let's ride that rollercoaster!"

Marinette quickly turned Alya around to face it and nudged her forward.

"WOW!" She yelled.

Fortunately, Alya had forgotten about the yo-yo and was pretty excited to ride the coaster. Marinette gave a sigh of relief. She turned to Adrien who was staring intensely at the ride. He looked sort of nervous but determined to ride it. Marinette followed his line of vision and realized her mistake. She had chosen to ride the biggest rollercoaster out of the whole theme park. Her eyes widened as she took a deep breath.

"Come on guys!" Alya called out from ahead.

Adrien held his breath.

"Should I be feeling nervous?" He asked.

"Terrified," Marinette responded pulling the dumbfounded boy towards the entry of the ride. "It's too late to back out now!"

"Is the fearless Ladybug afraid of rollercoasters too?" He laughed.

"No, but is the cat?" She smirked back.

They boarded the ride with Alya and Nino. The sections of the cart were split into two seats in each aisle. Obviously, each couple sat together. Marinette grabbed Adrien's hand as the climax began. The chilly air stuck to their faces and they breathed. She squeezed his hand tighter at the very tip of the massive hill. They were about to drop. Fast.

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