Chapter 15:

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Once the rain had finally passed, Nino and Alya ventured off while Adrien took Marinette home. Her parents were out at the current time so she was home alone. Adrien decided to stay with her a bit. They were both pretty soaked and the chilly air didn't help. Together they headed up to her room. Adrien sat on the bed while Marinette fetched him a towel. He put it around his neck and sat there. Marinette retrieved the hair dryer and shuffled up behind him. On her knees, she began to dry his hair. It puffed up and his perfect hair became messy. Next, she grabbed the towel and started drying his hair with it. They conversed and laughed about what misfortune they got into. All was well until Marinette began to feel a bit cold. They headed back down, made hot chocolate, and shuffled under a blanket on the couch.

"Ah-choo!" Marinette sneezed.

Adrien stared at her with big eyes.

"Are you okay?" He inspected.

She nodded. Again, Adrien could tell she was lying. He got up and took the cups away. Using a quilt, he wrapped her up in it and forced her to lay down. She looked drowsy and floppy. Carefully he tucked her in and told her to get some rest. While she was sleeping, he went to the kitchen and carefully inspected it. Where is the kettle? He thought. Hesitantly, he checked all the cupboards until he found it. The kettle was boiling as he prepared to make tea. His mother used to make a special sort of herbal tea whenever he got sick. Every so often he would peep his head into the living room to make sure she was okay. Maybe Alya would know what to do when Marinette gets sick? He thought. Picking up his phone, he dialed Alya's number and explained. Quickly she arrived at the doorstep.

"I have to go to a photoshoot soon," Adrien said. "When she wakes up, can you please give her the tea that is on the kitchen counter?"

"Sure, leave it to me," Alya responded.

Adrien eventually left to the shoot. Alya stayed at Marinette's home to watch over her. A couple hours had passed when Marinette finally woke up. Her hair a mess, she examined the room.

"What are you doing here?" She mumbled. "Where's Adrien?"

"He left for a photo shoot, he called me over here to look after you," Alya said. "Drink this tea, Adrien kept calling me over and over again checking up on you. It kinda got annoying."

Marinette received the tea and smiled. Adrien really did care, she thought.

"So what's up with Nino and you?" Marinette smiled.

Alya surprisingly blushed.

"Well, we went shopping and stuff," Alya smiled. "But that's not the point! What's up with you and prince charming? Is he just as you imagined? Or have you scared him off with your embarrassing stuttering? Uh, der, um, hello, A-a, der, uh. Hm?"

Marinette stared at her.

"Haar-haar. Very funny. It's actually going very well." Marinette said.

The girls giggled. Soon enough, Marinette's parents arrived home and Alya headed back. Marinette was left confined in her room by her parents and was strictly told to stay in bed. Staying in bed was boring. She wanted to see Adrien, as per usual. All she could think about was him, even more than she used to. Now that he was finally hers, she could spend even more time with him. She lay there tossing and turning, sulking even. Why did she have to stay in bed? She felt better anyways. Her thoughts were interrupted when a knock on the window was heard. Wearily, she got up and inspected. Outside the window, Chat Noir stood. He was balancing on his pole and waved furiously to her. She rolled her eyes and smiled. Slowly she opened the window.

"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" He chuckled.

"What are you doing here?" She blushed.

"Checking on m'lady of course!" He responded. "Patrol is so boring without you,"

"I'm sure it is," She smiled.

Energetically he jumped into the room.

"Mmm... do you wanna change those photos?" He asked pointing to her Adrien shrine.

"To what?" She asked.

Chat Noir picked up her phone and transformed into Adrien. He pulled her close and took a selfie. He showed her the picture.

"To that." He smirked. "You should be getting back to sleep, I'm going to go now, see you at school!"

And with that, he transformed, gave his signature peace-out hand gesture, and jumped out. Marinette's heart fluttered. Who knew that she could fall for such a dumb kitty, and who knew that Adrien was the dumb cat. Her, that's who. She was in love with a dreamy model, a dumb cat, she laughed.

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