Chapter 10:

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Marinette jumped up and hugged Adrien indicating that she accepted. She giggled at the thought. Her heart pounded at an insane rate and she could hear it. She felt a sort of fluttering feeling. Adrien smiled. She accepted. He pulled out a silver ring with three diamonds on top. He gently slid it onto her finger as she marveled at the sight. They continued to count the stars until eventually, midnight arrived. It was time now for Marinette to go home, her parents called earlier and she reassured them that she'd be home in a while. Adrien walked her out the door and they kissed for the second time. She still felt the fluttering in her heart. It was a very cold night and typical Adrien had given her his jacket. Cliche, she thought, but she liked it. She waved him goodbye and was on her way. The streets of Paris were still lively even during midnight and it had given Marinette a warm feeling. She thought about how she would tell Alya and how she would tell her parents. Her parents. How would she casually start up a conversation?

"Oh hey mum, dad, Adrien asked me to marry him." She whispered to herself.

Laughing at her own casual words, she arrived at her doorstep. Maybe tomorrow? She thought. Her parents awaited her return and were relieved that she had come home.

"How was it?" Her mother asked.

"Good," Marinette said as she made her way up to her room. There, she lied on her bed with Tikki by her side.

"Wow, Adrien your crush asked you to marry him," Tikki marveled.

"Isn't he great.." Marinette trailed off falling into a deep sleep.

Tikki giggled and fell asleep next to her. Soon enough she'd get to see Plagg. They hadn't seen each other for centuries, catching up was a good idea. Marinette had woken up to the sound of her ringing phone. Alya was calling, obviously, she wanted to ask what had happened. Still half asleep, Marinette picked up her phone and answered.

"How was it?!" Alya shouted. "Wait there I'm coming over!"

She hung up. Marinette grinned recalling all of what happened last night. Was it a dream? No. She checked her ring. It glistened in the sunlight and fitted well on her finger. She got up and went to the balcony rooftop. Alya rushed upstairs to find her dreamily gazing into the distance.

"Tell. Me. Everything, girl." Alya laughed.

Marinette babbled on and on.

"And then we --" Marinette was stopped.

Alya picked up Marinette hand and immediately spotted the glistening ring.

"Is this..?" Alya was shocked.

Marinette nodded with a smile.

"AH!" Alya screamed hugging her friend tightly.

Marinette chuckled. Her plan was to get Nino and Alya together, they didn't know it yet but they were going to be spending a whole lot longer together. Suddenly, the floor shook. The girls peered down the balcony and saw Mr. Pigeon. Another one, back again.

"Rrooo! RLOO!" He yelled. "Ladybug and Chat Noir! I want your miraculous, RLOO! ROOO!"

Alya grabbed her phone out and ran downstairs to film it all. Quickly, Marinette hid in her room and transformed. Ladybug swung over to the top of a building devising her plan. Just as she was about to attack, Chat Noir arrived.

"Good morning~~~ Ah-choo! Oh no, the allergies are back," He cried.

"The Akuma must be in his bird call again," Ladybug stated.

Together they ambushed him and attacked from behind. Chat Noir was flung back by the birds whilst Ladybug used her yo-yo as a shield. She got close enough and tied his legs together dragging him across the floor. She pinned him down and snatched the bird call from his neck smashing it to pieces.

"No!" He yelled.

"No more evil doing for you little Akuma, time to de-evilize!" She yelled. "Gotcha, bye-bye little butterfly.. miraculous Ladybug!"

"Good job m'lady" Chat Noir smirked.

"That was easy," Ladybug said suspiciously. "Too easy."

That was true. The villains had become easier to defeat. What was hawkmoth doing? Was this part of a bigger plan? Is this what he wanted? She stroked her chin and tapped her head. Chat Noir stood there partially confused.

"m'lady?" Chat Noir asked.

"Why is he doing this? Does his plan involve us? Why are the villains the same?" She mumbled to herself.

Chat Noir poked her.

"Hello? Earth to Ladybug!" He exclaimed.

"hmm.. maybe Master Fu will know." Ladybug snapped her fingers. "Let's go kitty cat!"

Together they made their way to Master Fu.

*Well, I tried to make it sound like the characters, they aren't usually too into intense romance, so it's pretty lighthearted. MMM. Thank You for reading and please do continue.*

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