Chapter 29:

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Adrien woke up eager to tell Master Fu and Marinette his findings. He called her up and told her to meet him at Master Fu's home. Quietly, he retrieved the map of Tibet from behind the portrait and left the house. When he arrived, Marinette was already there and the two discreetly wandered into Master Fu's house.

"Ah, Marinette, Adrien," Master Fu said. "There something I've been meaning to tell you, come, sit,"

The couple quickly sat.

"So I looked further into the book and it seems, your mother was in fact not the owner of the peacock miraculous." Master Fu said.

Adrien and Marinette looked stunned.

"Then whose it is?" Marinette asked.

"Most likely, Gabriel Agreste's," Master Fu responded.

"What?" The couple said in sync.

"Seeing as the peacock miraculous is actually that of a male, a female would not be able to obtain it. The butterfly pin that Hawkmoth has, though, can be used by both genders." Master Fu explained.

"So are you saying, my father is the owner?" Adrien questioned.

"Well, the theory is that your father did own the miraculous. He must've rejected his kwami and locked the broach away. He most likely found the butterfly pin and decided to use that as revenge. I assume it has something to do with your mother," Master Fu further explained.

"I found this map of Tibet in the safe, next to my mother's portrait." Adrien showed the map.

"Tibet, that's in China... can I ask, how did your mother die?" Master fu questioned.

"I was told she died in a plane crash," He said.

"Wait, Adrien, you take Chinese lessons, why?" Marinette asked.

"My father made me take them, I'm not sure why" Adrien responded.

"So, you were told most likely, a lie. I don't think your mother died in a plane crash, I think she died in Tibet, maybe that's why your father forced you to learn Chinese, to go to Tibet." Marinette stated.

"But why would he want me to go to Tibet?" Adrien asked.

"To find clues," Master Fu said. "I believe your father doesn't actually know how your mother died, I think he wants to find out." Master Fu said.

"But why wouldn't he just do it himself?" Adrien asked.

The three sat stunned.

"The peacock signifies harmony and protection," Master Fu said. "Show me the map,"

Adrien handed it over. Master Fu inspected it.

"Ngari prefecture is circled." Master Fu said.

"Isn't that just mountains?" Adrien asked.

"There's something about these mountains," Master Fu stroked his chin. "We need more information, can you have one last check of the safe, anything else important."

Adrien nodded. He took Marinette as they left to further investigate the safe. The couple left Master Fu and headed towards Adrien house. They snuck into the living room and opened up the safe.

"Tibet... Tibet... anything... Ah! A hotel booking in Tibet?" Adrien investigated.

"Anything?" Marinette asked while keeping guard.

"I've got something, let's go," Adrien said shutting the safe.

The two quickly headed back to Master Fu.

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