Chapter 17:

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The class stared at them as they entered the room. They snuck to their seats as the teacher wasn't looking and got their things out.

"Why are you late?" Alya whispered.

"Well, this morning, Adrien came over to help me with my physics homework then Ladybug and Chat Noir appeared outside my house and they were fighting Copycat. We didn't want to get hurt so we waited for it to finish." She lied.

Adrien overheard and used that same excuse for when Nino asked. The bell rang and the recess period began.

"Well, well, well. Marinette. Late again? What were you doing? Visiting the dumpster for new clothes?" Chloe mocked. "Adrikens! What were you doing with garbage girl?"

Adrien ignored her and wandered over to Marinette. He grasped her hand and they walked out together leaving the angry Chloe staring at them.

"That's not fair!" She yelled. "If Adrikens likes Marinette, we'll have to make Marinette seem like a terrible person, which she already is."

Sabrina and Chloe devised a secret plan to make Marinette seem unlikeable to Adrien. While everyone was enjoying their break, Chloe secretly filled Marinette's locker with goo. She also put a whole bunch of Adrien's photos in there to make her seem like an obsessed freak, which she sort of already was. Later on, when Marinette arrived at her locker, the goo flooded out drenching her in it. The room was filled with laughter as they all mocked her. Adrien peered around the corner from his locker to see what had happened.

"Chloe," Marinette mumbled.

Furious, she walked into the bathroom to clean herself up. Alya stumbled in to check up.

"I know Chloe hates me, but she has never done anything like this," Marinette mentioned.

"I think I know why," Alya said. "It's because she's jealous, she likes Adrien and but since he has been with you lately, she hasn't seen him as often. Don't let her get to you girl,"

Marinette's face drooped. She knew this wouldn't be the end of this. Alya spotted the pictures amongst the goo. Disgusted, she picked the picture up to reveal who it was.

"Well she obviously knows about your obsession towards prince charming," She giggled.

Marinette inspected the picture.

"Great, now everyone thinks I'm an obsessed psycho who loves Adrien," She mumbled.

Alya giggled because she knew it was actually true. Once they had cleaned Marinette, they girls headed out. Waiting outside the door, was Adrien.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

"Yeah apart from the fact that people now think I'm an obsessed psycho," She groaned.

Adrien chuckled.

"Isn't that true though," He joked.

Marinette playfully whacked him. The three laughed. He held out his hand as Marinette grasped it. The trio went to go find Nino. Nino had just arrived at the bathroom.

"Where were you?" He panted as he tried to regain his breath. "Marinette, your desk has some funky stuff on it."

Marinette's eye's widened. What had Chloe done to her desk? She thought. Quickly, the group raced over to the classroom. On her desk was some writing. A lot of writing. Chloe had graffitied her desk and now Marinette was going to get into trouble. Not surprised, Marinette walked up against a wall and banged her head on it. She stood there for a while. Her shoulder felt a little tap.

"I'm sure we can clean it off," Adrien smiled.

Marinette responded with a smile and the group ventured off the janitor's office to find cleaning supplies. They arrived back at the classroom and began working. The words covered the entire desk, even Alya's side. It started as a simple cleaning job and all was going well. Adrien got a little bored and decided to do something that Chat Noir would do. Make a mess. He grabbed his bubbly cleaning sponge and threw it onto Marinette laughing at his joke. She was stunned but knew how to react. Instantly, she picked up her sponge and soaked it in water. Adrien was going to get it. He was in for a water fight. The two continuously threw the sponges until one hit Alya. She picked one up and thought Nino had thrown it. The four students began to throw cloths and cleaning items. It was like a pillow fight only you got cleaned as well. The girls teamed up while the boys stayed split. It was a fun afternoon. Eventually, they had to stop and clean up the bigger mess they had made. They finished on time and their next class began. Finally, the end of the school day arrived. Marinette had patrol tonight as Ladybug so she farewelled Adrien knowing she'd see him in a few hours. Alya and Nino decided to hang out together for the rest of the day. They were going to go on their first date, alone, by themselves, just them two.

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