Chapter 35: Final

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Marinette's heart raced as she jumped around her room.

"It's prom night!" She chimed.

Quickly, she got changed and headed to school. There, she greeted Adrien, Alya, and Nino. The four headed in chattering on about prom.

"It's finally here girl," Alya yelled in excitement.

"I'm so excited!" Marinette screamed.

The boys, who were walking behind, didn't understand why the girls were so hyped.

"Yo, why are they so excited, it's just prom, right?" Nino asked Adrien.

He shrugged in response. "It's a girl thing?"

The two continued to walk still confused as to why the girls screamed and yelled about this one particular night. They got to class and began their lessons. Lunch break arrived quickly. Adrien and Marinette had decided that they were going to go see Master Fu during the break.

"We have something to take care of, it won't take long so you guys should stay at school," Marinette lied to Alya and Nino.

"Ok..." Alya said slightly suspicious.

Adrien and Marinette hopped in the car and headed on their way. Quickly, they arrived and snuck into the room.

"Ah, you're finally back," Master Fu spoke quietly.

"Anything new?" Adrien hurriedly asked.

"Actually, I have come to a conclusion." Master Fu said. "There isn't enough information here but there is one thing we can do to find out more,"

The two stared at each other and braced themselves for the news.

"What?" They asked hesitantly.

"Well, the fact is that a particular spot is circled on the map. A very specific spot. You may have to go to that particular spot to find out more." Master Fu stroked his chin.

"What!?" Marinette yelled. "Go to China!?"

"Indeed." Master Fu calmly said.

"Doesn't seem like a bad idea," Adrien pondered.

"But it's China! China! Not in France China. The China that's far away from here!" Marinette exclaimed. "What would I tell my parents? Hey, mum, dad, I'm going to China for a secret mission that you can't know about and I'll be going with my boyfriend."

She groaned.

"Oh Marinette, so over-dramatic," Adrien laughed.

"You don't have to go right away, it's a mere suggestion but if it comes to that, then it's that." Master Fu said. "You have plenty of time to decide, come back later, I need to see if I can find out more."

The couple walked out, Marinette still dazed.

"China..." She thought aloud. "Ahh! Why is this so hard?"

"Calm down Marinette, we have plenty of time to decide," Adrien smiled.

He grabbed her by the hand and they got in the car back to school. The rest of the school day flew past and prom was only a few hours away. Everyone was hyped and all talking about what they were going to wear. Nino and Adrien departed and the girls went the other way.

The two girls went to Marinette's home to get changed. Marinette wore a blue dress that just about touched the floor. Her hair was done in a bun and she wore red lipstick. She used her ring as a pendant for her necklace. Alya wore a purple dress to about her shins. It puffed out at the bottom unlike Marinette's and it also had a strip of black going around the waist line. Her hair was the same, though. Both the dresses were strapless and looked amazing.

"We look so good," Alya smiled at herself in the mirror.

"You really think so?" Marinette hesitated. "Does mine look weird?"

"Girl you look amazing," Alya gave a thumbs up. "Everyone will love it."

There were only a few minutes left until prom started so the girls headed off. They arrived back at the school with their flawless dresses. Nino was already waiting at the bottom of the stairs but Adrien was nowhere to be seen. The three waited outside for Adrien.

"You guys can go in," Marinette gestured.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Alya asked.

"I'll be fine, you guys go in." Marinette nudged.

She waited alone as she saw people pass. Chloe stopped beside her.

"Oh look, it's Marinette. Are you waiting for your fairy godmother to fix your hideous dress? Hahaha" She snorted as she walked off.

Marinette couldn't be bothered and just groaned. She began to feel nervous. For no reason, Marinette was nervous. She had been with Adrien for a while now but why was she feeling nervous all of a sudden? Her thoughts were interrupted by the metallic silver car that pulled up.

Slowly, Adrien emerged. He was looking around until his eyes immediately pinpointed onto her. She was waiting at the bottom of the stairs with her perfect blue dress that matched her eyes and hair. Adrien could barely contain his excitement when he saw her. She looked truly amazing. He stared in awe for a while until he realized what he was doing. From Marinette's point of view, she saw the blond wearing a black tuxedo with a black bow tie. His hair was the same but it still looked flawless. He looked very charming.

"Wow," Adrien smiled as he walked up to her and kissed on the hand. "You look amazing,"

"Why thank you, so do you," She giggled.

"To prom?" He smirked putting out a hand.

"To prom!" She smiled back.

The couple wandered up the stairs and arrived at the building to find Nino and Alya. They all greeted each other. Immediately, the music was put on and people were dancing. The couples danced around for a bit when some slow-dancing music came on. Nino took Alya by the hand and they danced together.

"May I have this dance?" Adrien smirked

"You may," Marinette smiled giving him her hand.

She rested her head on his shoulder as they moved slowly.

"I love you so very much," Adrien whispered. "I'm grateful it was you, I'm grateful that you're you. I love you."

"Don't you dare leave me," She joked. "But I love you too, most of the time."

They giggled together. Strangely, prom night flew by and it was already over. Nino and Alya had already set off. The two, Adrien and Marinette were left.

"Shall we, m'lady?" Adrien asked putting out a hand.

"We shall," She smiled.

The stars shone brightly in the sky along with the street lamps. The couple, clutching hands, wandered into the chilly night, carelessly, in love.

The End

AN: There will be a sequel coming out shortly so you'll find out more about the whole miraculous jewels thing. It will be called Miraculous: Tales of the four. *Wink wink, nudge nudge,* Please comment and vote and stuff. This is the end of my first ever fanfiction. Hope you enjoyed it!

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