Chapter 19:

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It was as if they were weightless, flowing freely in the air. The velocity hit them as they flew down. Marinette's hand was still tightly clutched onto Adrien's. Behind them, Alya had her hands up along with Nino and they were screaming with joy. Adrien found the experience exciting and he loved the adrenalin rush. The ride finally came to a subtle stop and the dazed passengers hopped off.

"Wow. Let's do it again," Adrien marveled.

Marinette looked at him bluntly. She wasn't the most excited person to want to ride a potential death threatening ride. Adrien laughed at her expression. He could obviously tell that she had enough.

"Ok then, how about.. that!" He said pointing to the Ferris wheel.

"mmm... Ok," She hesitated.

Alya and Nino agreed too and the group headed off. Adrien and Marinette were the first to hop onto the two seated carts while Nino and Alya got on the one behind them. They could see the whole carnival and best of all, the Eiffel tower was right in their view. The fresh chilly breeze blew across their faces and it got colder as they ascended. Adrien wrapped his arm around her to keep her warm.

"What's the matter, cat got your tongue?" He laughed hysterically.

"Ah-ha-ha. It's just very cold." She sarcastically responded.

The couple giggled as they reached the top.

"I suppose I should kiss you now?" He joked.

Before he could say anymore, Marinette stole the opportunity and went for the kiss instead.

"Or I could do it," She giggled.

"Or you could do it." He laughed.

The couple sat at the top whilst the bottom carts were being loaded. They reminisced about their lives when they didn't know each other's identities.

"You know, I still have that derby hat you designed and that Jagged Stone CD cover you signed," He sheepishly admitted.

"Oh wow, really?" She stunned. "Wanna hear a secret?"

He huddled in closer towards her.

"I stole your phone this one time," She giggled.

"Wait what?" He looked confused.

"Ok, so this one time, I almost asked you to the movies. I got ahold of your number via Alya and we had it all planned out. So then I get sent to voicemail and say the most stupid things. Eventually, I gave up and started blathering to Alya not realizing the voice call was still on and that it had sent. Obviously, I knew you were at fencing so I went to school and stole the phone from your locker and then Alya helped me delete the message and then I slipped it into your bag at school and then your bag fell over and then you said that you had checked it a thousand times and you know the rest." Marinette sheepishly babbled. "Ahehe..."

Adrien's face was stunned. He fluttered his eyes and burst out into laughter. He laughed for a while. Marinette knew it was funny but really, THAT funny? Gosh, the Chat Noir was showing. She playfully nudged him. He hugged her as he laughed from behind her shoulder. She sat there in a cuddle listening to his laughter filling her ear. She was happy to make him smile but seriously, he was still laughing.

"What exactly did you say?" He chuckled.

"I called you 'hot stuff' basically." She duly stated.

Again, he spurted out into laughter. Harder than before. To shut him up, she placed her hand on his cheek and kissed her. He fell deeply into the kiss and the laughter finally stopped.

"And this is why I fell in love with you, Marinette." He smiled.

She blushed in response.

"Well, you obviously know why I fell in love with you, because you're 'hot stuff'." She giggled.

Her eyes pulled away from Adrien as she peered below her. There in the cart was Alya smooching away with Nino. Marinette poked Adrien and pointed to the couple. The giggled together quietly, secretly fist bumping each other. Their plan worked.

"We're geniuses," She smirked.

"I know," He smiled.

The rest of the Ferris wheel ride was calm and there was a lot of laughter still coming from their cart. The group moved onto face painting next. Even though it was a childish thing, Adrien had never gotten his face painted so the group thought they'd give him the experience. Alya and Nino got matching hearts while Adrien got whiskers (obviously) and Marinette got a paw on her cheek. It had finally come time to eat. They headed towards a small cafe in the theme park but were suddenly stopped, unfortunately. Out of the blue, Lila, came running in. Marinette's heart dropped. What was the boyfriend stealer doing here? She thought. The rest of the group thought innocently of her. Adrien knew about Volpina but he thought Lila was a nice girl and was just trying to be friendly... ish.

"Hey, guys! What are you doing here?" Lila cheerfully said.

"What people do at theme parks. Go on rides, face-paint, eat..." Marinette sassily stated.

They both gave each other the death glare.

"Hey Adrien, can I speak to you over there, just us two," Lila smiled.

Adrien gave a quick glance to Marinette and walked off with Lila. Marinette stared at him go off with her. She wanted to punch Lila. Nino and Alya gave each other the same look. They knew that face Marinette had. She was jealous. Lila lead Adrien near a tree and she leaned in close. Adrien felt the slightest bit uncomfortable and slowly back up. She put her finger on his chest and drew with it. He was stunned by what she was doing and was slightly confused.

"So, you know how I'm like, the descendant of Volpina and I have that miraculous? I am also the strongest out of all the miraculous holders. Stronger than Ladybug and Chat Noir put together..." She trailed off.

Adrien obviously knew she was lying. The combination of Chat Noir and Ladybug created the strongest power.

"I can protect you using my powers..." She smiled.

"Uh, isn't that why Chat Noir and Ladybug are here?" He asked backing away.

"But I'm better than them..." She moved forward.

He backed further away. Marinette finally found them and grabbed Adrien by the arm, dragging him away from Lila.

"Um, bye?" He waved to Lila.

Marinette dragged him behind a tree.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"I have my suspicions about Lila," She frowned.

"Well, she seems pretty nice," Adrien responded.

Marinette stared at him dumbfounded. He thought she was nice. Lila was definitely not nice. How could he not see that? Lila was obviously trying to steal Adrien.

*OOhhh, I wonder what Lila is doing here? ;)*

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