Chapter 31:

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Adrien suddenly realized what he was doing. Quickly, he jerked back and turned his head to see Marinette and Alya. Alya had both her hands covering her mouth in shock while Marinette just stood there. Her face was stunned but it slowly turned to neutral. One, single tear rolled down her cheek. Betrayal? Marinette thought. She shut her eyes tight for a moment and ran to the girls bathroom.

"Marinette!" Adrien called out.

Alya quickly ran after Marinette. Marinette was sitting in the corner of the bathroom, her head tucked away in her knees. She was quietly sobbing.

"Marinette," Alya hesitantly said.

Slowly, she walked over to comfort her friend.

"Marinette, Adrien would never hurt you like that. I've seen it myself, he really loves you." Alya comforted.

"Was it all a lie? I saw what I saw..." Marinette mumbled in tears.

"Marinette, I promise you, he would never do something like that to hurt you," Alya explained.

"Maybe he liked me before Lila, not anymore," Marinette sobbed.

"We don't need boys anyway Marinette, girl power all the way," Alya softly spoke. "We've got each other,"

Marinette reached over to hug her, crying quietly.

"I... I don't need him," Marinette more confidently spoke.

"That's it, girl, you've got me, I'll never leave you, okay?" Alya smiled.

Marinette smiled faintly.

"Come on, class is starting, you and I can switch seats okay?" Alya pulled her friend up.

"Okay..." Marinette struggled to stop crying.

She bottled up her emotions and tried to be strong so Alya wouldn't worry. Pulling herself together, Marinette and Alya walked out the bathroom. Outside the door, Adrien leaned on the wall waiting for the girls.

"Mari-" He was stopped.

Marinette had taken off the ring and had slammed it on his chest. She let go as he caught it. With one last, helpless, unforgiving look, she walked away silently. Adrien pulled back Alya.

"Alya, you have to explain to her, I didn't kiss Lila on purpose, she kissed me and I was too stunned to react," Adrien blurted out.

"Look, I want to believe you but, we saw what we saw. You know how stubborn Marinette is. Your gonna need evidence to prove that. I have to go now, find evidence!" Alya stated before running off after Marinette.

Adrien stood alone clutching the silver engagement ring in his hand. He headed back to class. When he arrived, he kept his head low and peered discreetly up at Marinette. She had switched seats with Alya and had moved behind Nino. She didn't have any facial expression. Her eyes didn't flutter or glow, she just sat there, staring at the wall. Adrien, ashamed and frustrated, walked to his seat with his head down. Nino peeped over to see his distraught face then looked up at Marinette. He was confused. Alya spotted his confusion and quickly dragged him outside to explain. The two hurried out the door and Alya spat out the whole story.

"Now you see?" Alya asked.

"Oh... that's bad." Nino zoned out.

Quietly, the two headed back into class to see their dull friends moping. The day passed by very slowly. It felt like the longest day Marinette had ever experienced. Alya took her by the arm as they walked out the school. Adrien didn't bother trying to convince her but thought about what evidence he could find. Nino tried his best to help too. Alya and Marinette sat at the bottom of the stairs. They talked for a bit there.

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