Chapter 9:

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Marinette wasn't shocked, neither was Adrien. She had recognized some similar facial expressions between Chat Noir and Adrien. They both had their crazy theories. At one point Adrien thought Chloe was Ladybug.

"m'lady," Adrien said as he held out his hand.

Marinette blushed and placed her hand onto it. Together they clutched hands and walked back to class. Alya was running around furiously trying to find Marinette. When she saw the two she stopped. Completely shocked, she grinned. Her plan worked, sort of, all that alone time really paid off.

"You...two?" Alya smiled. "We'll talk later, let's go to class."

The class was pretty stunned to see Marinette and Adrien clutching their hands but no one reacted oddly. It seemed pretty obvious that this was coming. The couple split and sat into their seats. Adrien secretly fist bumped Nino and Alya hugged Marinette.

"Everything is fine now, we can proceed our classes, the danger has been handled." The teacher announced.

For the remainder of the day, Marinette babbled to Alya about some fake story that would make up for why Adrien and herself were holding hands. Marinette knew now that her lack of confidence around Adrien was only temporary, after all, she was pretty comfortable around Chat Noir. Tomorrow was her very first date with Adrien and she was quite nervous. Chat Noir had always been the jokester but it didn't show in Adrien. She took Alya home with her to discuss tomorrow's plans. The date was at Adrien's home because of the spacious area he owned. Marinette fumbled through her closet deciding what to wear. Alya sat on her bed giving the approval thumbs up of the disapproval head shaking. Eventually, they decided on a simple, casual, red free flowing dress. Marinette chose it because it was red and well, Ladybug wore red. Adrien, on the other hand, was much less pressured and was pretty casual about this whole thing. Excited he was but worried about what his father would think.

"Just tell him, if he doesn't like it, who cares?!" Plagg exclaimed.

"But if he objects and I don't listen, I won't be able to go back to school," Adrien said.

"School?! Why would you want to go back?" Plagg cried whilst scoffing his foul smelling cheese.

Adrien sunk his face into his pillow eventually falling asleep. The date day had arrived and all was well. Marinette had just arrived at around noon and they began their date. Firstly, they enjoyed lunch together which immediately broke the silence. It was a joyous day for both of them, one of the best lunches Adrien had ever had. Afterward, Marinette followed Adrien to the piano. He played her a piece of classical music which made Marinette question. How could Adrien, who was so calm and sweet, be Chat Noir, who was mischievous and flirtatious? The afternoon flung by and nightfall had already arrived. Together they ran to the roof top and lied down on the large day bed. So many stars filled their eyes as they counted the constellations and used the stars to play dot to dot. Adrien sat up crisscrossed opposite to Marinette. She followed and sat up too. Adrien held her hands and spoke.

"So, we have just started dating and all, but I have known you as Ladybug for so long therefore I have loved you for so long. I want to make sure you know that by asking you a question." Adrien smiled.

Marinette didn't expect what he asked.

"Marinette Dupin-Cheng, Ladybug, because we can't get married at this age I wanted to ask, will you become engaged to be engaged with me?" He asked.

Marinette sat there dumbfounded. Adrien Agreste, her biggest crush, Chat Noir, had asked her to marry him.

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