Chapter 25:

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The angry Marinette stormed over to Alya's place. With an unexpected surprise, Alya welcomed her in.

"Girl, what's wrong?" She worried.

"Lila!" She yelled.

"Girl calm down!" Alya settled.

Marinette took a deep breath.

"Ok so, Adrien came to the bakery to study. Then Lila arrived. She took me outside for a chat. She told me that Adrien was hers and that I should back away. I was defending myself when she ran off unnecessarily crying and Adrien rushed out. He only saw her running and crying. He didn't know what we were saying! What gives him the right to assume that I made her cry?!" Marinette fumed.

Alya's heart dropped. Adrien had said such sweet things about Marinette earlier but sort of just threw them away. She knew what Lila was doing. They both did. Marinette threw herself onto the bed while Alya patted her on the back.

"You believe me right?" Marinette peered up.

"I know your right," Alya ensured.

Marinette sort of smiled. She had cooled off now. It was almost nightfall now so she decided to head home. It wasn't snowing anymore but the night was the coldest part of the day. Quietly, she snuck inside and headed to her room. She face-planted into her pillow and consulted Tikki.

"You have to tell him," Tikki suggested.

"But how? I bet he's just as mad," Marinette groaned.

"Follow your heart! Let the words flow," Tikki encouraged.

"Alright, tomorrow," Marinette smiled.

Adrien was currently in bed at home. He was staring at the ceiling with the light of the moon shining through the massive window. He tossed and turned for a while.

"Watch it will ya?" Plagg groaned.

"Sorry..." Adrien mumbled.

"OK, hurry up, tell me what's wrong so I can go back to sleep without your tossing and turning!" Plagg exclaimed.

"Well, I think I might be the one who's wrong. Lila did tell me that she liked me. Maybe she is trying to make Marinette seem like the bad person?" Adrien pondered.

"Well DUH! Can't you see Lila obsesses over you? Not as much as Marinette but still. Face it, you were wrong now stop moving so I can sleep!" Plagg cried.

Adrien came to realize that. He lost his temper quite a bit at Marinette and felt quite guilty for going spaz on her. He decided to apologize to her tomorrow.

"Yeesh, girls are so confusing..." Plagg dozed off.

The next morning arrived and Marinette was the first to stumble out of bed. She decided she would tell Adrien what really happened. Clumsily, she flipped around her closet, changed, and headed to school. Adrien wasn't there for some reason. Tikki flew out of her hiding place.

"I need to talk to Plagg, you go in first, I'll find you later," Tikki stated.

Marinette didn't like the idea of her kwami being left alone but she agreed anyway. Really, Tikki was going to talk to Adrien and fix the problem. Marinette walked into class. Adrien rushed to the stairs but the little red kwami stopped him.

"Tikki?" Adrien exclaimed. "Where's Marinette? Is she alright? What happened?"

"Calm down Adrien!" Tikki yelled. "I'm here to talk to you about yesterday's situation."

Tikki babbled on and Adrien finally came to understand what had happened.

"Sneaky," He answered.

Quickly, he rushed into class, late. Tikki hid in his bag and quickly transferred herself to Marinette's bag. Marinette glanced at Adrien, nervous about what she was going to say. Was he mad? She thought. Lunch break arrived quickly and everyone had left, except for Adrien and Marinette. He walked over to her and sat down.

"Tikki told me everything," He said.

Marinette sighed in relief.

"So you know that I was only defending myself," Marinette asked.

He smiled and nodded. She let out a gush of air and relaxed.

"To lunch?" He asked.

She nodded and together the forgiven couple wandered out to find Nino and Alya. Lila had been sneakily watching the whole time. She clenched her fist and frowned. Her plan had taken a drop but she had bigger ideas. Marinette, who was clutching Adrien's hand, waved to Alya and Nino. Together, they sat down and enjoyed lunch before classes started again. They were about to head in when Nino tripped. He got up but his lips were black. Dark Cupid was behind him. He was back to wreak havoc. Using his rose arrows, he shot Alya too. Adrien pushed Marinette and they ran into the school. They found an empty classroom and transformed. Quickly, Ladybug and Chat Noir emerged from the room. They stood in the halls of the school.

"How do we defeat him?" Chat Noir asked.

"Love conquers all," Ladybug responded as she charged through the door.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Chat Noir yelled.

Ladybug ventured out in search of the villain. He was hiding somewhere.

"Ladybug! Watch out!" Chat Noir yelled as he dove in front of her.

He was shot with an arrow and his lips turned black.

"I'll squash you, pesky bug!" He evilly yelled.

Dark Cupid united with Chat Noir and they were both trying to take Ladybug's miraculous. Desperately, she used her lucky charm. Out from the sky fell a rope. She didn't find a use for it yet but would use it later. She needed Chat Noir's help to defeat Dark Cupid. With her yo-yo, she tangled Chat Noir and pulled him over.

"This looks familiar," She laughed.

He struggled to escape loose and was trapped. Ladybug kissed him on his black lips as they slowly regained their normal colour. True love's kiss breaks the spell. She thought.

"What am I doing?" Chat Noir asked confused.

"I'll tie him down, you grab the pin where the Akuma is!" Ladybug instructed.

"Anything for m'lady," He smirked.

Using the rope from her lucky charm, she grabbed Dark Cupid. He could easily escape loose so she tied him up with her yo-yo too. Chat Noir stealthily snatched the pin and tossed it to Ladybug. She caught it and smashed it. The Akuma flew out.

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