Chapter 24:

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Alya decided she would keep this to herself. She didn't want Marinette to get worried plus it seemed like Adrien had it under control. She observed him hastily rush out the door. Feeling her detective side rise, she snuck behind the bookshelf and watched Lila. Lila was fumbling through some books. She picked one up with a picture of the yin and yang on the front. What could she possibly want with that? Alya questioned. Lila suspiciously snapped the book shut as she saw people pass by. Checking to see there was no one around, she flipped through the pages and shoved it back into the shelf. Casually, she strutted out the library leaving Alya suspiciously wondering.

Quietly, she hurried over to the shelf where Lila was before. She found the book and flipped through the pages. It was a book on ancient myths. Alya seemed pretty interested in it so she borrowed it. Back at the bakery, Marinette was serving customers. As her parents owned the shop, she had to help a lot. Once the store was empty, she flopped onto her couch. It was exhausting running around. Her eyes drifted when she spotted a walking boy outside the bakery. It was Adrien. Why was he here? Isn't he meant to be studying? She thought. Quickly, she untied her apron and rushed to the door to greet him.

"What are you doing here?" Marinette asked.

"I came to see you!" Adrien smiled.

He sort of lied, though. Of course, he wanted to see her but really he came to the bakery to escape from Lila.

"Aren't you supposed to be at school studying?" Marinette suspiciously questioned.

"Uh... well, I thought it would be more fun if we study together, that is if your not busy working," He sheepishly laughed.

Marinette smiled in response.


Adrien entered the sweet smelling room. It was a lovely combination of sweet smelling treats and fresh bread. No one really knew, but Adrien was a big foodie. He loved eating, though he wasn't allowed too much because modeling required a certain weight.

"Well, let's get started. I'll be right back!" Marinette chimed as she ran up the stairs to grab her books.

Adrien wandered over to the bookshelf. He recalled seeing the shelf as Chat Noir. His eyes stared at Marinette's family photo. He remembered taking family photos with his parents. Parent. Marinette walked down the stairs to find Adrien staring deeply at the photo. Quietly, she approached him. Her eyes followed his and together they both gazed at the photo.

"I can't remember the last time that I took a family photo, with both my parents." Adrien sadly smiled.

"Well, you can be part of our family if you want," She smiled.

Adrien smiled. Someday he would, after all, they were engaged, sort of. The two settled down and began to study. They chattered the whole time and barely got any work done. The couple were blabbering away when they heard the bell on the door ring. A customer had entered. Marinette excused herself and left the living room to the check counter. Unfortunately, the customer wasn't a pleasant one. Lila was standing there. She had caught Marinette off guard and unexpectedly arrived when she was not welcome. Marinette had never really wanted to be mean but she could see what was going on between Adrien and her. It was a matter of self-defense in a way.

"Lila..." Marinette mumbled.

Adrien wandered out to check why it was taking a little longer than expected. He was shocked to see Lila standing there.

"Oh, hey Lila..." He sheepishly smiled.

"Hi, Adrien!" She cheerfully faked. "Marinette, can I please talk to you outside?"

Marinette suspiciously inspected her.

"Alright," She cautiously said.

The two girls went outside.

"OOH! Catfight!" Plagg exclaimed.

"Shut up Plagg," Adrien whispered.

He stood inside and watched the two girls through the window. Outside, Lila started up a conversation.

"So, I know Adrien likes you," Lila stated.

Marinette narrowed her eyes. What was she trying to say? Marinette thought.

"I like Adrien," Lila smiled. "I can get whatever I want."

Marinette's heart filled with rage.

"Basically, Adrien is mine. I would suggest that you stay away from him. It'll only make things worse if you don't because your heart will break a little more when he's mine." Lila slyly grinned.

Marinette wanted to punch her so badly.

"Excuse me but, as you said Adrien likes me and I like him. I would suggest that YOU stay away from him! I'm sorry that you like him but so do I." Marinette fumed.

Adrien was still inside and observed the aggressive speech. He was debating whether he should go out and calm her down. Marinette leaned closer and yelled harder. Lila's eye caught a glimpse of the curious Adrien. Instead of yelling back, she cried and ran. Marinette was shocked. Why did she cry? She thought. Adrien immediately ran out.

"Marinette! What was that for?" He got a little mad.

Marinette had no words. That was her plan? To make Adrien feeling sympathy for Lila? Marinette realized what trap she had just fallen into. She wanted to scream and yell and blurt everything out to Adrien. Would he believe her, though? Maybe not. Lila was, after all, a lying fox. Marinette turned to the slightly red-faced Adrien.

"Why did you make her cry? You know you don't have to be so mean to her?" Adrien tried to keep his cool.

He didn't exactly like Lila in the way that he liked Marinette but she was still a friend.

"How can you just accuse me of that?" Marinette furiously stated. "You didn't hear what we were saying."

Adrien thought about it. That was true. He did supposedly just accuse her.

"Then why did she run and cry?" Adrien still mad, asked.

"I don't know! To make you mad at me?" Marinette exclaimed. "Can't you see she likes you? She's trying to get rid of anything in the way, me."

"Marinette. Maybe you are just really overreacting." Adrien calmly said.

Wow. This was the first time in her life that she wanted to yell at Adrien. She wanted to yell at Adrien. Adrien. Her biggest crush. He didn't believe her. Marinette stormed down the street.

"Marinette." Adrien calmly stated.

She ignored him. Just as stupid as Chat Noir. So nieve it was annoying. He didn't go after her. Instead, he stood there quite dumbfounded.

"What's gotten into you Marinette?" He sighed.

From around the corner, Lila was watching. She turned back around and smiled. Her plan was just beginning. Casually, she strolled back to Adrien. He quickly went to apologize to her on Marinette's behalf.

"Lila, I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into Marinette lately," Adrien worried.

"Oh, it's ok, besides, she's gone now, we can hang out together," Lila smiled.

Her plan was working in full motion. Adrien is trapped. She thought.

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