Chapter 30:

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Adrien was not expecting to see Lila.

"Hey Adrien," She smiled.

Natalie walked away leaving the two.

"Hey, Lila, uh... what brings you here?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing, I just wanted to see you," She smiled.

Adrien felt a bit weird. He sort of wanted to run and hide from her. Was he scared of her? There was an awkward silence. He didn't know how to respond to that.

"I, I just came to say hi," Lila smiled.

"Oh, uh, that's nice, thank you, mmm... I should get going, erm, I need to meet Marinette at her place in five minutes so..." Adrien lied. "Um, I'll be off then."

"Oh I can drop you there," Lila suggested.

"No thanks, uh, I've got it, thanks for the offer, mm... bye," He hurriedly said as he swerved past her and ran out the door.

He raced around the nearest block and watched Lila leave his mansion. Once she had gotten in her car and left, Adrien strolled back home.

"Sneaky," Plagg whispered.

Adrien arrived back in his room. He was sort of annoyed at how often he'd bump into Lila. It got annoying. Over at Marinette's place, boredom struck.

"Now what Tikki?" Marinette complained.

"Have an early night?" She suggested.

"I know, I'll text Adrien," She smiled picking up her phone.

She texted the words, 'I'm bored, what are you doing?' And waited for a reply. Tapping her fingers on the table for a while, she looked through the window to see Chat Noir. He was again, like last time, standing on his pole balancing, waving at her. She opened the window to allow him in.

"Did I hear m'lady is bored?" He asked hopping into the room.

"Extremely." She answered.

"Done the geography homework?" He asked.

"Finished." She said.

"Well then, how would m'lady like to spend some quality time with me?" He smirked.

"Don't I do that every day?" She laughed.

"True true," He responded. "Wanna see what Nino and Alya are up to?"

"Why not?" She giggled.

Chat Noir transformed himself back into Adrien and the couple headed out to Alya's house. Alya opened the door surprised to find the two.

"What are you two love-birds doing here?" She laughed.

"We were bored so we decided to come see you, you always have all the crazy ideas and theories right?" Marinette giggled.

"Hey!" Alya chuckled. "Nino and I were watching a movie but I suppose you guys can come and watch it too."

The three headed into her living room. Alya's mother was the head chef at the Grand Paris Hotel so she often worked into the later hours and wasn't home.

"Take a seat." Alya pointed.

"Hey dudes," Nino greeted.

Adrien walked over to fist bump him. The four casually sat enjoying the movie. Nightfall had arrived quickly and the movie was still running. It got cold and they all shared a large quilt. Comfortably sitting between Alya and Adrien, Marinette fell asleep accidentally. She had woken up to find the rest of the group sleeping. Half-awake, she dozed off again. It was Nino who woke her up. He had gotten up first and had realized everyone was sleeping. It was morning, though.

"Guys! Get up! It's morning! We slept over! Guys! Do you think our parents will be made?" Nino yelled.

Marinette shot right up after hearing that. That's right, what would her parents think? Quickly, she got her phone out and called them, reassuring them that she was okay. The panic rush was over and she snuggled back down. Alya and Adrien hadn't even woken up yet. Nino was still tired and knocked out again. Marinette was left to slowly sink back into sleep, again. This time, it was Adrien who nudged her awake.

"Marinette?" He whispered. "Do you think we should go? Maybe check on Master Fu's progress?"

He was obviously very eager to find out more. Marinette could barely open her eyes, she was still tired.

"Marinette, get up!" Tikki yelled before going back into hiding.

"I'm up!" Marinette flung herself off the couch. "Should we write a note?"

"Go for it," Adrien responded.

On the note, Marinette wrote, 'Alya and Nino, Adrien and I left because our parents got worried. Call us when you read this, see you tomorrow at school. P.S You guys look cute when you sleep. Haha.'

Quietly, they snuck out. Anxious, Adrien rushed to Master Fu's home dragging Marinette along. They entered the room.

"Oh, Marinette, Adrien, I don't have any more news for you yet," Master Fu stated.

"Oh, okay, we were just coming by to check if you did, we'll just be off then," Adrien said.

The two walked out just as quickly as they did when walking in.

"My father's going to be really mad at me, I'll see you tomorrow at school, okay?" Adrien said.

"Okay, see you tomorrow," Marinette stated.

The two split and walked their separate ways. Marinette arrived home to her worried parents and had to make up some story about homework. She did nearly nothing but sleep the entire day and was still tired when she got home. Quickly, she ate and went to bed. Unfortunately, the next day was school.

On this particular morning, Adrien had arrived at school first. He was at his locker when Lila appeared.

"Hey Adrien, I wanted to ask you something," Lila said.

Adrien turned to face her. Marinette had just arrived at school with Alya and they were heading up the stairs to the lockers. Lila stared Adrien in the eyes. Without any further warning, she leaned in and kissed him on the lips. Adrien was completely shocked. He was too stunned to react and had no idea what was going on. Marinette and Alya were laughing at each other's jokes when they arrived in the locker room. Marinette's eyes immediately pinpointed on Adrien and Lila. The laughing stopped. She stared at them. Her one true love was kissing another girl. Adrien was kissing Lila.

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