Chapter 13:

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 The two couples ventured into the cinema. It wasn't packed so they chose to sit at the top. Alya sat next to Nino, he sat next to Adrien, and Marinette sat on the end. They had gotten two bags of popcorn and two drinks. The pre-movie ads came on and they all chattered quietly.

"I haven't been to the movies in so long!" Marinette exclaimed.

"My father never lets me go to the cinema very often," Adrien said.

The movie began and it went straight into action. One of the many suspense scenes came on. It was a horror film which meant there were many jump scares. Every so often, Marinette would grab Adrien's arm in fear. He would chuckle as he reassured her. The fearless Alya was babbling to Nino about how unrealistic the movie was.

"Oh come on! Turn around!" She yelled at the screen.

The other people in the cinema hushed her.

"Ladybug and Chat Noir would save them," She whispered to Nino.

They laughed together quietly as Marinette hid in Adrien's shirt. He couldn't help but laugh. The brave Ladybug was scared because of a movie.

"I thought Ladybug was fearless." He laughed to Marinette.

"Ladybug is, Marinette's not." She giggled.

They shared popcorn and a drink. Marinette occasionally spilled popcorn as she jumped in horror. Adrien constantly comforted her amusingly. Nino and Alya were having the best time. They would break into laughter at the most random moments and kept being told to be quiet. By the time the movie had finished, Marinette was practically terrified.

"What a great movie," Alya chuckled.

The boys nodded in agreement while Marinette stood paralyzed with fear. Alya looked at her confused. How could anyone be that frightened because of a movie? she thought.

"Uh, Marinette?" Adrien asked.

"I'm fine, totally fine, it's great, all good." She lied.

The three knew how terribly she lied. Adrien comfortingly put his arm around her.

"Wanna go home now?" He asked.

She nodded in response.

"Well leave you two here then, see you at school," Adrien said as he walked off with the trembling Marinette.

Alya and Nino decided they were going to explore the streets of Paris together. This time, Adrien took Marinette home to his house. She had been there before, as Ladybug. His father knew a little bit about Marinette as she had won the derby hat competition. Of course, when they arrived, they were greeted by no one. Adrien's father was busy as usual and never bothered to greet his son. Adrien invited Marinette in and they explored the living room.

"So are we here to investigate?" Marinette asked.

"Hmm.. nope, I don't think so. We are here so you can meet my father." He said.

"Are you sure he won't be busy?" Marinette questioned.

"Well, we'll interrupt his work then." He answered.

Tikki emerged from Marinette's purse.

"Oh right, you haven't met my kwami yet, Tikki," Marinette said.

"Is it safe to come out?" Tikki asked.

Marinette nodded in response.

"Hi, Adrien!" Tikki said.

"Um hello, Tikki, can I ask, how do you know my name?" Adrien asked.

"Marinette babbles about you all the time," She responded.

Marinette blushed in embarrassment. Plagg flew out from underneath Adrien's jacket.

"Plagg! Haven't seen you in a while." Tikki said.

"Tikki! Do you have any cheese?" Plagg asked. "Is this Marinette, the girl that Adrien drags on and on about?"

Adrien hushed his kwami in embarrassment.

"Hello, Plagg. Wow, you're just as cute as Tikki," She smiled.

Plagg unexpectedly blushed.

"Well, at least she knows how to compliment someone." He said.

The two kwamis sat down and chattered to each other about what had been going on for the past few centuries. Adrien and Marinette excused themselves and left to his room. Adrien had a large room. It had a massive ramp and even an upstairs. Marinette could see through the gargantuan window. She dreamily stared out into the distance where she could see the Eiffel tower. Adrien walked up to her.

"It's a nice view hey?" He smiled.

"Very." She responded.

"My mother used to always take me to that park," He said pointing to the little garden with a playground. "She'd push me on the swing and we would eat ice-cream there together."

Marinette could see the sadness in his eyes as he stared into the distance. She couldn't imagine having a family without her mother. A small tear rolled down his cheek. He missed his mother so much. Marinette turned and faced Adrien. She didn't speak but instead hugged him. A few drops fell onto Marinette's shoulder as he sobbed there for a bit. All those years of bottled up feelings and having no one to express them too really impacted him. Having his alter ego, Chat Noir, allowed him to be free and act in whatever manner he wanted to. Marinette had never seen Adrien cry before and she didn't like it.

"Thank you." He whispered.

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