Chapter 7:

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Sadly, both of them knew who they were loyal to. It had been a long day and a well rested day was needed. Both of them quietly headed to bed. The next morning, Marinette woke up to her beeping alarm. It was Tuesday, the week had only just begun. She face-planted into her pillow and stayed like that for a while. Eventually, she got up and strolled to school. Alya was waiting as per usual and they headed to class together. On the way, Marinette spotted Lila. She was back at school. Marinette groaned. The fake superhero was finally here to take away her crush. Fun, she thought. Adrien had arrived a bit later and was greeted by Lila. He tried to act interested in 'Volpina' but he knew she was only a fake, unfortunately. Anyways, last time, Ladybug got jealous. Marinette stumbled upon them on her way to class. They were standing outside the doorway, Adrien leaning on the wall. Marinette gave an evil stare to Lila but Adrien turned to see her instead. He stopped the conversation with Lila and wandered over to Marinette. She was completely shocked and acted as if she were looking behind them.

"Oh, hi Adrien, I was just looking for Alya," She said nervously scratching the back of her neck, smiling one of her best fake smiles.

Adrien just smiled.

"Class is about to start, let's go." He smiled.

Together they walked to homeroom leaving Lila behind. She was not happy. Alya was sitting in her seat staring at her phone until she saw the two. Her eyes widened. Adrien and Marinette? Together? Maybe her plan really had worked. She nudges Nino and together they stared and smirked. Marinette floated over Alya and slouched into the seat.

"Tell. Me. Everything." Alya exclaimed.

Nino turned to Adrien.

"Yo, what were you and Marinette doing?" Nino smirked.

"Well, class was about to start and so we walked to class," Adrien smiled.

The whole day Marinette babbled to Alya until home-time came.

"Well, Nino and I have to work on our assignment! Go talk to Adrien girl! Bye!" Alya exclaimed.

Together, Alya and Nino walked away smiling at each other. They weren't really doing an assignment. They were devising a plan. Marinette reached into her pocket for her phone, it wasn't there. She began to panic. She ran around asking her classmates if they'd seen it but no one had. She was about to go home and try and make an excuse for why she didn't have it when suddenly, Adrien jogged over.

"Hey, Marinette, you dropped your phone?" He asked handing it over to her.

"Yeah, thank you so much for finding it!" She exclaimed.

"It was nothing, you left it on your desk so I thought I'd return it," Adrien smiled. "Oh and I like your home-screen, I have to go now, bye."

He jogged over to his car and hopped in. Marinette blushed a deep red. She turned on her phone and there it was. Adrien was Marinette's phone screen and he had seen it. She face-palmed and sheepishly walked home. Just as she was about to flop onto her bed, she remembered that she had patrol with Chat Noir tonight.

Nightfall had come and she told her parents that she was going to sleep early. Tikki transformed her and Ladybug swung over to the Eiffel tower, where they would meet. A black cat could be spotted in the distance as he pole-vaulted over.

"m'lady." He greeted.

"Chat Noir." She smiled back.

Her heart began to flutter though she rejected those feelings.

"So.. how long do we stand here for?" He asked.

"Until we see a villain, or until it's your bed time." She laughed.

Together, they sat and chatted casually. That night, they really got to know each other, Ladybug's feelings grew. Maybe it was the right time to reveal her identity.

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