Chapter 23:

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The next few rounds or so ended up in the girls dominating. They play fair and square afterward. The final result ended in ten to five with the girls smashing the boys.

"Girl, look who won," Alya giggled to Marinette. "We did it! It shows girl power is all we need."

Marinette high-fived her as they giggled at their own conversation. To the side, Adrien and Nino were sitting on the benches with their towels over their necks, drinking water.

"Dude, I can't believe we lost... to girls," Nino marveled.

Adrien chuckled and patted him on the back.

"To our girlfriends." He responded.

Marinette and Alya confidently strutted over to the losers. Marinette placed her arms around Adrien from behind and leaned over him. Alya sat next to Nino and poked him.

"Told you," Alya boasted.

Adrien looked up at Marinette.

"I guess we lost," He said.

"I guess we won," She smiled.

The girls headed back into the bathroom and showered before getting changed. The boys headed to the boys room to rinse off and get ready for the afternoon lessons. Out from the bathrooms, the clean and undefeated girls emerged along with the moping boys.

Together, as a group of four, they headed back to class.

"You think we'll have a rematch sometime soon?" Adrien smiled.

"Of course... but girls will still win," Marinette responded.

"Uh-huh," He sarcastically said.

Finally, they arrived at school and began their afternoon classes. After school, it began to snow lightly again. The couples exited the schools to be greeted by snowflakes. Marinette loved the snow. She skipped outside and stared at the sky. It was magical. Adrien followed closely behind. He hadn't ever really been in snow. He was glad to spend the first time with Marinette. Alya was dragging the slow Nino outside the school and rushed to catch up with the other couple. The four decided to spend some time together in the snow. The two girls walked in front and led the way to the park. They giggled and gossiped, and complained about homework. Adrien and Nino were behind them.

Adrien suddenly felt the urge to throw a snowball at someone. He nudged Nino and in using his hand gestures, indicated that he was going to throw a snowball at the girls. Nino seemed to agree and quietly, the boys gathered some snow and created some snowballs. Marinette was casually walking when the cold rush his her neck. Cautiously, she turned around to see the goofy Adrien throwing snowballs. Alya was hit next by Nino and was obviously going to get revenge. Soon enough, it had become a snowball fight. Marinette literally shot Adrien down and he fell onto the snow. Unaware, he accidentally made a snow angel when he got up. Surprised by his discovery, he started randomly plopping onto the snow and making angels.

The rest of the group decided to join and everyone made a snow angel. Next, they made snowmen. Each couple worked on their own snowmen. Of course, Marinette and Adrien made a Chat Noir snowman.

"This cat's so cool he's ice." Adrien joked.

Marinette giggled. They put stones in as facial decorations and leaves for the cat ears. They had completed their little snowman.

"Chat Noir jr," Adrien exclaimed.

"So he's your kid?" Marinette asked.

"I suppose," He answered. "But he needs a mother, m'lady?"

"Then I shall be your mother, and Adrien shall be your father," She spoke to the snowman.

The couple giggled at their own joke when Alya and Nino presented their snowman. It was a pretty average sized man. Nino had crafted headphones onto it and Alya made a little cellphone that it held. Marinette chuckled at their ridiculous snowman and soon enough, they left.

The school was open during some afternoons and Adrien decided to get some studying in. Marinette couldn't go along as she had to help in the bakery. Adrien farewelled her. Nino and Alya headed back to school too but needed to get some other work done. Adrien quietly walked into the library and placed his bag down. He grabbed out his physics textbook and began revising. Nino and Alya had already finished and Nino left. Alya, who had nothing else to do, decided she would go to the library too and revise for her history test. Adrien was seated when he peered up to see Lila. She greeted him and sat down.

"What you got there?" Lila smiled.

Alya had just wandered into the library and saw Lila with Adrien. Quickly, she hid in one of the aisles of books and quietly observed them.

"Physic textbook, r-revising for the exam..." He sheepishly smiled.

Lila closed his textbook and moved closer.

"So, I know you and Marinette are a thing now, why do you like her?" She questioned.

Alya listened in closer. Adrien stared dreamily into the distance.

"Well, because she's funny, smart, energetic, awkward, beautiful and clumsy in a cute way," He smiled.

"Aren't I all of those things?" Lila inched closer.

Adrien sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. She moved even closer and placed her finger on his chest. She started swirling it around.

"I like you, Adrien," She whispered.

Adrien felt sort of uncomfortable. He knew that he didn't like Lila and that he really did love Marinette. Slowly, he backed away.

"Uh, I have to go now, ahehe... see you tomorrow," Adrien hurriedly said.

Quickly he got up and rushed away. Alya had heard the whole thing. She now knew that Lila was really trying to get Adrien. She was determined to make sure that Lila wouldn't get in the way of her best friend's relationship, after all, it was part of her plan to get Adrien and Marinette together in the first place. Alya felt some sense of relief too. She knew that Adrien's feelings for Marinette were real and that he wasn't just a pretty picture on a magazine. Adrien and Marinette were meant for each other and it was going to stay that way.

*Can anyone help me in promoting my story? Thanks.*

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